During the Shepherd's Conference, John MacArthur had some strong words for churches and pastors who are tolerating homosexuality in the name of pragmatism and winsomeness.There's a missing trust. There's a void in much of the evangelicalism when it comes to conceiving...
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Why Do Woke Feminists Hate John MacArthur So Much?
"There are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies,...
Jeff Durbin Confronts “Gay Pastor” Brandan Robertson to His Face: “You Are an Apostate”
Brandan Robertson has been in the headlines quite a bit in the last year or so as he is an openly gay, self-described “pastor” who opposed traditional, biblical theology while installing himself as a biblical scholar and theologian. Robertson is an advocate...
David French is an Insufferable, Pathetic, Delusional Clown
It's becoming increasingly easy to separate the sheep from the goats as we watch the religious, cultural, and political climate become increasingly divisive. David French, a religious leftist who devotes his life to standing against conservative Christianity in the...
Gay Disney Celebrity Who Was Baptized at Bethel Church Tells Kids that God Loves Them
A few weeks ago, Disney Celebrity Joshua Bassett made headlines after he was baptized at the nefarious hyper-charismatic Bethel Church in Redding, California. Bassett, the 20-year-old star of Disney’s High School Musical, came out as a homosexual to his fans in a...
SBC Pastor Says Disfellowship of Saddleback Church Will Be Overturned at Annual Meeting
It is likely that you are familiar with the recent controversy surrounding Saddleback Church, previously led by Rick Warren and presently led by Andy Wood. The Southern Baptist Convention made the decision to disfellowship the church due to its ordination of women to...
Lecrae Says He Hates the Word “Woke” Because It’s Been Co-opted
Lecrae, who is overtly woke and who has abandoned Christianity in favor of social justice and leftist political activism says that he hates the word "woke" because it's been co-opted by politics. Lecrae, who describes himself as a “rapper who happens to be Christian”...
Weird Climate Activist Shaves Her Head During Mass as Act of “Repentance” Toward Climate Change
Christian Climate Action is a shabby organization that advocates for "climate justice" and calls for "peaceful" civil disobedience in response to what they believe is an "urgent threat of climate change." It is a network of professing Christians from different...
UK Street Preacher Convicted of “Misgendering” Man Under Counter-Terrorism “Extreme Views” Law
Wakefield, UK street preacher, David McConnell, was arrested and convicted under the nation's counter-terrorism laws according to reports, and the probation officer that he had been assigned to considered McConnell to be "persistently and illegally taking an extreme...
Dude Who Plays “Jesus” in The Chosen Explains How He Prayed With Dead Gay Man
There's a show called "The Chosen" that's gaining popularity among Evangelicals, but it's actually spreading some serious heresy. The show is produced by the Latter Day Saints, also known as the Mormon cult. Despite this fact, many Evangelicals seem to love it without...
Proponent of James Cone’s Black Liberation Theology Joins Michael Horton’s White Horse Inn Ministry
In 2020, Michael Horton, a prominent theologian in Reformed-Evangelical circles and host of the podcast "White Horse Inn," denounced support for Donald Trump as "The Cult of Christian Trumpism" in an article for The Gospel Coalition. Horton's Systematic Theology on...
What Exactly is Saving Faith and How do We Know We Have It?
As Christians living in a world that is hostile to God, we face a barrage of challenges to our faith every day. These attacks come in the form of anti-Creation propaganda, such as evolution and theories about the origins of the universe, as well as an all-out assault...
Steven Furtick Sells Tickets for Worship Service Tour for Hundreds of Dollars Each
If there has been a more blatant example of Matthew 19:24 being played out in modern times than the Furtick family, I’ve not seen it. Jesus’s words were clear, “it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of...
Total Cringe! TGC Author Verbally Talks About Christ “Penetrating” the Church With “Sperma”?
We've covered the saga surrounding The Gospel Coalition author who published an article that talked about Christ "penetrating" the Church and injecting the "seed" of His Word into her in order for the Church to produce "children of God." The asinine comparison, not...
Wow! Epic Scripture-Twisting by SBC President to Paint Pro-Abortion Women as Victims
We've been arguing that the soft-peddling Southern Baptist establishment is compromised on the issue of abortion. As a matter of fact, it has become the official position of the establishment class of the Southern Baptist Convention that no matter what the...
Far-Left Activists Create New Distorted Children’s Bible Claiming to Preserve the Historical Content and Meaning
If you're alarmed by the prospect of radical leftists warping the minds of our children with their distorted, anti-biblical narratives, then brace yourself for the children's Bible project led by Peter Enns and Shane Claiborne as well as other far-left social...
Canada Proposes Legislation That Would Imprison Christians for Posting Religious Opinion Deemed “Hate Speech” Online
Canada's recent legislative effort, Bill C-63, ostensibly aims to combat online harms, including what it defines as "hate speech." But let's face it, we know where this is going. As with all leftists, the end goal is to silence conservatives, especially Christians....
American Evangelical Increasingly Embracing the Foolishness that God Accepts Worship From All Religions
A distressing surge is sweeping through the Church, especially American evangelicals—a surge that flouts the clear and unabashed truths of biblical Christianity. A 2022 Ligonier survey from thestateoftheology.com unveils this grim reality—a staggering 56% of...
Remember the “Amputated Toes” Miracle Bill Johnson Claimed? Here’s Proof It Was Fake
You may remember last year at Bethel Church, Bill Johnson made an announcement with a bizarre claim of witnessing a woman at another church he was visiting regrowing her toes. This supposedly happened at James River Church pastored by John Lindell—the same church that...
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