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Lesbian Pastor Lectures Christians on “Loving” Each Other During Pandemic

by | Mar 20, 2020 | LGBTQ Issues, News, Social-Issues, The Church

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A lesbian pastor of an LGBT “church” who says she experienced a similar pandemic during the 90’s when young men in her church “were dying at a rate of two to three every week” lectures Christians on how to love and care for each other during the current pandemic. Penny Nixon, who grew up in a conservative Baptist church decided to leave her Bible-believing church and began fornicating with another woman.

Nixon complained in an article that she wrote about the AIDS pandemic, and how so many of the young men in her LGBT “church” were dying of AIDS and compares that to the current coronavirus.

What she fails to mention, however, is that the AIDS pandemic was largely self-induced and the vast majority of those exposed to it were actively participating in risky sexual behavior — especially homosexual men.

But Nixon wants to lecture Christians on how to love each other during this current crisis because she’s experienced something similar already. She writes,

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I don’t offer any of this with a Pollyannaish attitude. It is born out of my experience. I was the pastor of a LGBT church in the 1990’s and I lived through the AIDS pandemic where young men in my church were dying at a rate of two to three every week. I know what it is to maintain hope amidst despair. I know what it is like to be afraid and to minister to people who are terrified. And what I also know is that we faced that pandemic with love, with hope, with resilience and with a zest for life at levels that I have never experienced since. I learned to cherish life, cherish love, cherish community. These pandemics are not analogous, but they do share the anxiety and fear that communities face.

What she doesn’t offer is any real hope. She does not offer — and has not ever offered — the life-saving gospel of Jesus Christ and a call to repentance and faith. Her love for these people are self-motivated and born out of a desire for self-preservation. She goes on to say that “Not meeting together in a physical space is the most caring and loving thing we can do.” No, the most loving thing we can do is give someone the gospel — whether in person or over some kind of digital medium.

What Nixon has done is hate people and send people to Hell with a false hope and a false gospel that has no power to save. What she has done is built a community of people, like herself, who band together around their perverse sexual desires in order to deaden their consciences against their own sin. Sadly, unless they repent, they will all perish.

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