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Southern Baptist Convention Hires Black Man to Collect Money From Black Churches

by | Jan 30, 2020 | News, Racialism, Social Justice, Social-Issues, The Church

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Sometimes, there just aren’t words to express the mounting frustration against a movement so obviously and blatantly hypocritical. The Southern Baptist Convention spends the majority of its resources fighting against a monster that it creates itself — racial disunity.

The International Mission Board (IMB) of the Southern Baptist Convention recently hired Jason Thomas — a black man — to mobilize black churches to be “fully engaged in foreign missions through participation and financial support.” In other words, they hired a black man to collect panhandle money from black churches.

One has to wonder, how many white people were considered for this position? Is this a position that only a black man is qualified for?

The hypocrisy is in this is clear. They say they want racial harmony, but it is the height of racism to suggest that only a black man can reach black people.

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Sadly, Southern Baptist churches are now doing this all the time. They will hire black pastors not based on their qualifications, their character, or their theological acuity, but based solely on their skin color in an effort to create more “diversity” within their congregation.

This is exactly what we see here. Typically, predominantly black churches give less money to the SBC’s Cooperative program. Why? Because, typically, they have less money to give. But they think that by hiring a black man to put the squeeze on these churches, they are doing them a service.

Of course, we know that pastors who serve the denomination over and above their local congregations get a kickback from the SBC. They get speaking gigs. They get promotions. They get considerations for entity head, board member, and trustee positions. They get invited to conferences. Bottom line, pastors who deliver the Cooperative Program and to Lottie Moon get milk from the SBC’s teat. And the IMB hired this guy to turn black pastors into denominational shills. It’s as simple as that.

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