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Did Joyce Meyer Actually Preach the Gospel?

by | Jan 28, 2020 | heresy, News, The Church, Video

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Last year, Joyce Meyer admitted to her audience that she had been preaching a false gospel by focusing too much on “prosperity.” Meyer is an icon in the Word of Faith movement and a well-known “grandma” to many other lady-preachers — including Beth Moore and Christine Caine.

Meyer has spent practically her entire life preaching rank heresies and falsehoods and, sadly, has bilked a lot of money from her followers by doing so. So, that Meyer might actually have some kind of conviction in her that may actually lead her to see her error should be met with skepticism.

However, Meyer did recently “preach” a sermon where it sounded like she actually got the gospel right. Mind you, this is only a snippet from the sermon that was published on her Facebook page. But the astonishing amount of accuracy in her presentation of this gospel message may actually leave you with your head spinning. Watch.

In this short snippet, she expounds on the Protestant doctrines of Penal Substitution and Imputation — doctrines that the charismatic camp usually reject. And while she doesn’t use the word “repentance,” she does allude to it as a proper response to the gospel, as opposed to a prerequisite — a doctrine found mostly in Reformed Protestantism.

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Could Meyer actually be moving to an orthodox view of Christianity? One could only hope. But, if she is, she has a long way to go. And if she wanted to demonstrate genuine repentance and faith, she could start by stepping down and obeying 1 Corinthians 14:34. Otherwise, I’m just tempted to believe that — as a broken clock is right twice a day — she may just be speaking out of both sides of her mouth.

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