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Tom Buck Says Southern Baptist Mission Board Leader is Passing Around Another Letter Behind His Back

by | May 5, 2022 | News, Religion, Social-Issues, The Church, Video | 0 comments

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We’ve covered some of the Southern Baptist Convention’s scandal surrounding what has been dubbed #Buckgate whereby Southern Baptist pastors and leaders conspired to blackmail Texas pastor, Tom Buck, by passing around an unedited rough draft of his wife’s abuse story for personal and political gain. The blackmail scandal took place in the wake of Buck contacting then SBC presidential nominee, Willy Rice, to inform him that one of the deacons at his church had committed sex abuse in the past.

Now, Buck says, Southern Baptist Convention leaders are back at it, doing the same thing again. Buck explains in the video below that North American Mission Board president, Kevin Ezell is now passing around a letter of recommendation that buck allegedly wrote several years ago for Willy Rice’s deacon, while he has no recollection of the letter, at the time, he believed the deacon to be repentant and would not have had a problem writing the letter.

Now, Buck says, more information has come to light about the deacon’s status of repentance and he would no longer support this. However, he says Ezell refuses to show him the letter and is passing it around behind Buck’s back while painting him as a hypocrite and using it for political gain.

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