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Prominent Christian-Turned-Atheist to Re-Join Christian Band to Re-Record Christian Album

by | Apr 25, 2022 | Apostasy, LGBTQ Issues, News, Religion, Social-Issues, The Church, Video | 0 comments

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Several years ago, the once highly popular Christian artist, Derek Webb—who served as lead singer for the group, Caedmon’s Call and released several hit albums in the 90s—renounced his faith.

According to Theology Along the Way, “Derek Webb is just one among an ever-increasing category of those who identify as ‘ex-Christian.’ They grew up in the church, many even gave their lives in various roles in the church, and yet today they reject Christianity as a delusion at best or oppressive and even evil at worst.”

Webb’s group released several hit songs including one, Thankful, that expressed gratitude for the sovereignty of God over their salvation. The lyrics to the song are theologically sound and even Reformed in nature—though little did we know, the man singing these lyrics did not actually believe them.

It’s by grace I have been saved
Through faith that’s not my own
It is the gift of God and not by works
Lest anyone should boast

So I am thankful that I’m incapable
And I’m doin’ any good on my own, yeah
I say that I’m so thankful that I’m incapable
And I’m doin’ any good on my own

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Despite the fact that Webb has apostatized and has now even teamed up with drag queens and homosexuals, he will take part in the re-recording of a 25-year-old Christian album.

The group released a video on Kickstarter to raise money for the endeavor to get the audio released to the public.

“at some point over the past 25 years our self-titled album managed to go out-of-print, which means you can’t find it at your favorite record store, err… streaming platform. It’s kind of hard to celebrate an album you can’t even listen to.

So like any band in their right mind, we thought, WWTSD?: What Would Taylor Swift Do? That’s when it all became clear.

To celebrate the songs that started it all for us, we’re going back in the studio together to completely re-record the Caedmon’s Call album (including a few bonus b-sides & rarities), and we’re bringing some good friends with us to film and document the whole thing. 

In addition to the album and documentary, we’re going to top the whole thing off with a one-night-only performance at the historic Ryman Auditorium in Nashville, TN.


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