Another day, another instance of radical leftist violence being swept under the rug by the mainstream media. In San Francisco, a street preacher proclaiming the biblical truth that God made men to be men and women to be women was met not with debate or discussion—but with the barrel of a gun.
This is exactly the kind of thing we’ve been warning about—when rhetoric about “tolerance” and “inclusivity” morphs into outright violent hostility against Christians who dare to state biological and biblical truth. A street preacher simply declared what should be a non-controversial fact—God created two sexes, male and female—and in response, a trans activist pulled a gun.
Of course, the media won’t touch this. If the roles were reversed, if a Christian had so much as glared at a trans activist the wrong way, we’d be subjected to an endless parade of headlines about “Christian extremism” and “right-wing terrorism.” But when a radical leftist takes it upon themselves to escalate words into lethal force? Silence.
And here’s the thing, none of this is surprising. The radical queer movement has always been about coercion. It never stopped at “just let us live our lives.” It demands total submission, and any deviation from the new orthodoxy is met with unhinged rage. This isn’t about equality, it’s about erasing dissent. This is what happens when a movement that thrives on delusion collides with reality—it lashes out.
This isn’t just one isolated event. It’s a pattern. From the trans-identifying shooter who murdered Christian schoolchildren in Nashville to the violent mobs shutting down events where basic biological truth is spoken, the message is clear. Disagree, and you will be silenced—by force, if necessary.
Will the so-called “tolerant left” condemn this attack? Will the media acknowledge it? Or will they, as always, memory-hole the story and pretend it never happened? We all know the answer. The same people who throw nationwide tantrums over a baker declining to make a custom cake for a same-sex wedding are nowhere to be found when an armed leftist threatens a Christian with death for stating the obvious.
It’s time to admit what’s happening. We have an epidemic of violent trans-identifying extremists in this nation, and the longer we pretend it doesn’t exist, the worse it will get. The corporate press, the political class, and even much of the spineless Evangelical establishment are complicit in allowing this extremism to fester unchecked.
Christians, take note. We are entering a time when simply speaking truth in public can make you a target. The question is, who among us will still stand?