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Trump’s Spiritual Advisors are Vultures, and Yes, We Should be Concerned

by | Oct 29, 2024 | News, Opinion

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Under a heavy sky, they circle—their black wings slicing the air in slow, silent anticipation. The vultures descend, talons stretched, to settle upon the rotting remains of faith laid bare in the dust. Their beaks are sharp and unforgiving, tearing into the sinews of souls too numb to resist, gnawing on the dried marrow of hope once held sacred.

Their feathers are slick with the blood of promises drained dry, glistening as they rip and gorge, gulping down remnants of integrity like carrion. The stench of decay rises as they strip the flesh from belief itself, leaving only bones—hollow, brittle, scattered across a desolate spiritual landscape.

These scavengers don’t nurture, they feast, preying on the dead weight of a faith that once stood strong but is now nothing more than a meal to be picked clean. That’s the best description I can come up with for the team of “spiritual advisors” surrounding Donald Trump.

As I watch the clip below of these vultures—among them false prophets like Paula White and Jentizen Franklin along with Southern Baptist leaders like Jack Graham—I can’t help but wonder what kind of judgment the Lord has poured out among this nation.

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It’s a scene straight out of a nightmare, where these flesh-eating vultures—steeped in the brew of “seven mountain mandates” and the twisted doctrines of the “New Apostolic Reformation—feast on the souls they’ve lured with promises of divine authority and earthly power. The Seven Mountain Mandate, which calls for literal dominion over the world’s most powerful spheres of influence, has become the mantra of these self-appointed prophets, who preach a gospel of personal conquest and gain, not Christ.

They offer a gospel that glorifies man, flaunts wealth, and exalts earthly authority as if the Kingdom of God could be brokered like a business transaction. Within these circles, their false prosperity gospel is an intoxicating blend of self-worship and national conquest, a recipe that ensnares followers under the guise of God-given mandates but ultimately leaves them drained, exploited, and spiritually bankrupt.

So, yes, Evangelicals should be gravely concerned about this macabre parade of spiritual deception circling the likely next president. The true gospel—rooted in repentance and faith in the only living God who saves—has been nearly drowned beneath a self-serving narrative that urges believers to seize influence, amass wealth, and exert political dominance, all under the guise of “bringing heaven to earth.”

But while Evangelicals should fiercely denounce these distortions of the gospel and those who spread them, an alternative that veers sharply leftward to someone like Kamala Harris isn’t a solution. In fact, it’s not an option at all. While Trump’s spiritual team is deeply disturbing, remember, these principalities have no power over the Church and these gatekeepers of Hell will not prevail over Christ’s bride.

Yes, Trump is lost and spiritually dead, and Satan has seized upon that with such false teachers. There is no denying that. But given the role of the president, look at the alternative and ask if you can live with the blood of millions of babies on your hands.

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