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Kamala Harris “Rebukes” Christian Students

by | Oct 24, 2024 | News

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by Dr. Sam Currin

The truth has a way of coming out. For anyone who still has any doubt, several recent and prior events have clarified what Democratic presidential hopeful Kamala Harris’ stance is toward Christians and people of faith.

At a campaign event recently in La Crosse, Wisconsin, two Christian students in the crowd shouted, “Jesus is Lord!” after suffering through one of Harris’ oft-used rants for unlimited abortion rights, apparently her only campaign issue.

Kamala Harris is famous for spouting her poll-tested soundbites—no doubt a necessity for her inability to construct a clear sentence.

But sometimes she goes off script.

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So, when the two students attending her rally yelled out “Jesus is Lord,” Kamala shot back: 

Oh, I think you’re at the wrong rally.”

The left-wing crowd went wild. 

And then she doubled down: “You belong down the street”(at a Trump rally).

But you don’t need viral, off-the-cuff remarks to know that a Harris administration poses an existential threat to everything we hold sacred.  That’s because she has a long track record of attacking Christians.

  • She denounced a judicial nominee for being a member of the Knights of Columbus, a Catholic lay group.
  • Her failed leadership on our southern border has led to a humanitarian crisis, with migrants raped or sex trafficked, and hundreds of thousands of children now lost.
  • She has pledged to impose unlimited abortion – including late-term abortion – on every state in America if elected.
  • She has promised to go all in on the radical “trans” agenda, including taxpayer funding of surgeries (including on children), allowing boys in girls’ bathrooms, and to force schools to allow boys to participate in women’s sports.

DON’T FORGET: She has also introduced legislation to compel Christian employers, charities, and schools to violate our fundamental moral beliefs. 

If not before, the faith community has now taken note. As one Christian writer put it, “Kamala Harris’ response to ‘Jesus is Lord’ is befitting a modern Jezebel.”

JD Vance, speaking at a later event, unashamedly proclaimed that “Jesus is King and there is something bizarre with Kamala Harris’ anti-Christian rhetoric and anti-Christian approach to public policy,” he said. 

Speaking to faith leaders in North Carolina, President Trump said Christians were always welcome at his rallies. “We will never tell Christians to get out; we will tell you to get out and vote.”

Former cabinet Secretary Ben Carson challenged the notion that Harris’ comments were mere gaffes, quoting from a Bible verse that declares “out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.”

“She didn’t have time to think about what she was going to say; she just said what is in her heart,” Carson said. “So maybe she is the one who doesn’t belong.”

Kamala Harris’ progressive policies are not just political positions; they are a direct challenge to Christian values. As Christians, we must be discerning, recognizing that not all who claim to be of the faith truly live by it. Harris’s record speaks for itself, and it is a record that should concern every believer.

In this crucial election, we must remember that our allegiance is first to Christ and His teachings. As we cast our votes, let us do so with a clear understanding of where the candidates stand — not just in their words, but in their actions.

For both Christians and every American who cares about religious liberty, the stakes could not be higher.

Dr. Sam Currin (drstcurrin@gmail.com) lives in Raleigh, NC and is a past chairman of the NC Republican Party, a former judge, law professor, and United States Attorney. An ordained Baptist minister, he holds degrees from Wake Forest University, UNC School of Law, and Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. 

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