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It is Time for Christian Parents to Completely Abandon Disney for Good

by | Oct 23, 2024 | News

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The war on children is real, and Disney is on the frontlines waging that war against them. And let’s be honest, everyone knows that Disney’s own sexual revolution isn’t just a weird little rebranding to stay “relevant” in modern cultural zeitgeist. No, Disney has become a full-fledged weapon of the left, carefully constructed to shove queer theory and homosexual propaganda right into the minds of children.

As a matter of fact, Disney has completely abandoned the concept of entertainment—it’s now a school of indoctrination. Gone are the days of wholesome, family-friendly stories with clear moral foundations. Today’s Disney is serving up a relentless barrage of sexual confusion, designed to make kids not only accept but celebrate the radical redefinition of gender and sexuality.

And what’s even worse? Christian parents, of all people, are too blind to see it.

Disney’s strategy isn’t just about adding a token queer character here or there—although that’s disturbing enough. No, they’ve positioned themselves as cultural warriors, openly determined to normalize this perverse homosexual agenda.

Just look at their loud, proud endorsement of “pride” nonsense and their open hostility toward laws that defend parental rights, like those in Florida. It’s clear—they’ve abandoned the “family-friendly” persona that built the company into what it is and has become a megaphone for the sexual revolution, a transformation that ought to make any Christian parent sit up and take notice. Disney isn’t just betraying the values they once pretended to stand for—they’re actively working to dominate the world with its own sexual ethics.

Yet here we are, with Christian parents still flocking to Disney World, signing up for Disney+, and filling their homes with Disney-branded garbage. This isn’t just naive—it’s complicity. At some point, ignorance of the enemy’s plans has to stop being an excuse.

By dragging their kids into this sewage, these parents are willingly offering them up to a culture drowning in the excrement of sexual depravity, a culture that not only rejects God’s design for human sexuality but actively spits in His face. This isn’t just bad parenting—it’s negligence at best, treason at worst.

Disney’s commitment to this radical agenda runs deep. It’s not about a single film or character—this is a systematic, deliberate campaign to groom children into embracing sexual chaos. These queers weren’t lying when they said they wanted our children, and by God, they will do whatever it takes to get them.

By portraying sexual deviants as normal, even heroic, Disney is molding an entire generation’s view of sexuality, one subtly placed scene at a time. And trust me, they know exactly what they’re doing. It’s all about desensitization through mind-melting them with constant exposure.

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Movies like Lightyear, Elemental, and Inside Out 2—they’re nothing more than Trojan horses for queer ideology. Disney isn’t just sprinkling in a little “inclusive” arcenic—they’re injecting it straight into the veins of children’s entertainment, frame by frame.

A casual same-sex kiss here, a “non-binary” character there—it’s all part of the plan. And yet, Christian parents shrug it off, pretending these moments are “just part of the story” of an “otherwise good movie.” But let’s be honest—either they’re blind to the manipulation, or worse, they just don’t care.

What’s most frustrating about it is that so many Christian parents still just don’t get it, or don’t care. They’ve let nostalgia for the Disney of their youth cloud their judgment. After all, how could the same company that gave us The Lion King and Beauty and the Beast possibly be leading their children into spiritual danger? It’s a clever trap—one that many are waltzing right into, oblivious to the fact that they’re handing their children over to Satan’s disciples for indoctrination.

Scripture is crystal clear—parents are commanded to “train up a child in the way he should go” (Proverbs 22:6). That doesn’t mean handing them over to Disney to be discipled into the sexual revolution.

Letting your children be shaped by Disney’s twisted worldview is an abdication of your God-given role as a parent. This isn’t about being overly strict or paranoid either, it’s about recognizing the very real battle for the hearts and minds of children. And Disney has picked a side—it’s just not God’s.

Christian parents need to wake up. Every time they hit play on a Disney movie, they’re letting the enemy into their homes. This isn’t harmless fun—it’s the front line of the cultural war for your children’s souls.

The Disney of today isn’t the magical wonderland from your childhood memories. It’s a battleground, run by militant queers whose mission is to win over your children to their side. This isn’t accidental and it isn’t normal. It’s ideological warfare, with fairy tales and catchy tunes as the Trojan horse.

Disney isn’t just selling entertainment—they’re selling a perverse worldview, sugar-coated for easy consumption, yet rots the soul like decaying teeth. So, ask yourself—whose side are you on? Are you raising your children in the truth of God’s Word, or are you outsourcing their spiritual formation to a culture that’s determined to make them foot soldiers for the sexual revolution?

No more second chances for Disney, they’ve made their intentions clear. Stop falling for it, they don’t care what you think. They will play you and deceive you, pull back for a while if they need to—to keep you on their playing field. But their mission is certain, the souls of your children.

You need to choose a side and recognize this for what it is. A spiritual battle. Because neutrality isn’t an option with Disney as a willing participant in the enemy’s ranks and your child’s soul is at stake.

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