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Maverick City Music Mogul, Kirk Franklin, Collaborates With Foul, X-Rated Hip-Hop Artist

by | Oct 15, 2024 | News

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Kirk Franklin has become an icon in the Contemporary Christian Music Gospel genre and has gained even more notoriety after touring with and becoming heavily involved in the contemporary worship music collective, Maverick City Music.

Franklin made headlines in 2019 after winning TBN’s version of the “Christian Grammys” called the Dove Awards in the Gospel genre. Franklin is known for his “gospel music” that features cursing and foul language. Franklin was intimately involved in the production of Kanye West’s new “gospel” music at the time and stated that “God Wrote” his first curse-filled album.

The Faux Christian artist has spent years masquerading as a Christian worship artist—leveraging the gospel as his stage prop while delivering a diluted, powerless message. And now he’s collaborating with secular, foul-mouthed hip-hop artists to entrench himself even further in Satan’s playground known as the secular hip-hop industry.

Alongside his pro-abortion and pro-sodomy views, it is painfully obvious that his allegiance lies not with Christ, but with the applause of the world. Is this what we’ve come to expect from someone who claims to stand on biblical truth?

Because apparently, collaborating with someone as foul as the female hip-hop artist, “GloRilla,” whose claim to fame is rapping about vulgarity and debauchery is just so Christ-like, right? Franklin, who once fancied himself an icon of gospel music (pardon me while I roll my eyes), now thinks that his sanctified touch can somehow redeem the lyrics about “moose knuckles” and profane living.

Maybe he missed that little detail in James 4:4 about friendship with the world making one an enemy of God. But hey, when you’re desperate for relevance in a godless culture, I guess any collaboration will do, even if it reeks of blatant hypocrisy.

Here’s just a sampling of some of GloRilla’s lyrics…I apologize in advance for having to bleep out so much:

Middle fingers to my haters, all you b***hes jealous (f**k y’all)
Been knew I was that b**h, I didn’t need a man to tell me (the f**k)
Crop tops in the wintertime, showin’ off my flat-**s belly (um)
Gotta watch my back though
All these f**k n****s wanna get me pregnant (on God)
I’m so d**n fine, I don’t mean to brag or nothin’ (I’m just sayin’)
Nah, f**k that, to be honest, I don’t brag enough (pop your s**t)
I like to flirt ’cause I be bored and that s**t fun as f*** (nah for real)
He text and said he fallin’ for me, I replied, “That’s tough” (ugh)
I be where the money at, let them tell it, I be hidin’
Real b****es move in silence like the S inside of island
Fresher than a salad, I be dressin’ like a Thousand Islands
Whatever b*****s think they be on, I be on that times a thousand

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Let’s be real—this isn’t a “bold move” to reach a new audience. No, this is just Franklin jumping on the secular bandwagon, where he has belonged the whole time, arms flailing, hoping for a bit of cultural approval to mask the stench of his watered-down, spineless version of Christianity.

Does he really think Christians are that blind? That we can’t see through this pathetic attempt to pander to the very world that mocks and rejects biblical truth? If Franklin believes for one second that aligning himself with filthy animal-like behavior somehow glorifies God, he’s deluded beyond repair.

But we’ve always known that Franklin’s so-called gospel career is nothing more than a Trojan horse for his love of the world. After all, Franklin has spent years rubbing shoulders with the godless elite, even dancing with Kamala Harris at a White House celebration, a woman whose politics and lifestyle are the very antithesis of Christian values. What could be more hypocritical than a “gospel” artist dancing in celebration with a woman whose hands are stained with the blood of millions of aborted babies?

Franklin doesn’t just flirt with secularism—he is the epitome of it. He publicly apologized for the church’s “hurtful” stance on LGBTQ issues, painting biblical truth as an inconvenience to be rebranded for cultural relevance. When has Franklin ever stood up and said, “This is wrong”? Never. Instead, he prefers to play the middle ground, hoping to keep his seat at the world’s table while peddling a false version of Christianity to his fans.

Here is “GloRilla’s” latest song featuring Kirk Franklin. Listen to the lame attempt at bringing God into it, and ask yourself if you think Kirk Franklin gave her the gospel:

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