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Tim Walz’ Wife is Reading Queer Propaganda to Little Children in Public Schools

by | Oct 15, 2024 | News

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Need another reason to homeschool your children? Well, Gwen Walz, wife of Minnesota Governor and VP nominee, Tim Walz, apparently has a new mission in life—reading children’s books about gay dads and their cats.

While the state grapples with real issues like education failure, rising crime rates, and crumbling infrastructure, Gwen is preoccupied with what? Trying to convince your kids that two homosexual men and a cat are the pinnacle of family values.

Who knew that queer propaganda would be disguised as a quirky story about avoiding bath time? This is what passes for public engagement these days—pushing ideologies down the throats of children while pretending it’s all in good fun.

But let’s not kid ourselves—this isn’t about reading to kids. It’s about grooming their minds into accepting the left’s distorted view of family life. Why else would Gwen Walz be reading Bathe the Cat, a book that centers around two sodomites and their antics, to kids on the campaign trail?

Is this what we should expect from someone who claims to care about public education? If she’s so interested in family dynamics, why isn’t she advocating for policies that actually help families instead of pandering to a woke agenda that tries to redefine what family is in the first place?

And while Minnesota burns, she’s out here reading this perversion to kids. Does she think children really need to know how homosexual men bathe their cat, or does she think parents are too stupid to notice this thinly veiled attempt at indoctrination?

It’s so nauseating to keep seeing this garbage. Gwen Walz, just like her husband, are more interested in pushing sexual perversion on your kids than solving any real problems.

Is it any wonder that trust in politicians and public figures is at an all-time low? This isn’t leadership—this is moral negligence wrapped in a children’s book.


Tim Walz’ Wife is Reading Queer Propaganda to Little Children in Public Schools

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