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Not Satire: Kamala Harris’ Solution to Black Men’s Problems is Free Money and Weed

by | Oct 15, 2024 | News, Opinion, Politics, Social Justice, Social-Issues, US

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Kamala Harris, the unelected Democratic nominee for president—yes, unelected, because no one asked her to be the face of the party but here she is—has now dropped her latest gem of wisdom upon the American people.

And what is it this time? At first, I thought this was fake, a spoof account. I thought this couldn’t be real…but it’s real. And she’s going to “fix” the lives of Black men by handing out free cash and legalizing weed.

That’s right, ladies and gents—Kamala Harris actually believes that the key to black men’s success in America is pot and government handouts. For women, it’s unlimited abortions so they can sleep around, like she did, without consequences. But for black men, it’s money and dope.

And I just can’t stress enough that The Gospel Coalition-type Evangelical leaders support this. Let that sink in.


Her so-called “Opportunity Agenda” for Black men is a joke wrapped in condescension, sprinkled with a dash of hypocrisy. It’s as if Kamala Harris is standing on a soapbox shouting, “Black men are a bunch of potheads who can’t make it on their own, so I’m going to legalize marijuana and give them free money!” Your money, of course.

And, of course, normal people don’t believe that’s true, but Harris sure does. How else can you explain her absurd proposal that black men need the government to step in and save them with easy loans and legalized drugs?

Think about it—this is the same woman who built her political career by sleeping around with highly influential politicians and locking black men up for marijuana offenses, only now she’s trying to whitewash her past with a wink and a nod to recreational weed. Suddenly, marijuana is the golden ticket to prosperity. Does anyone else smell the rank stench of hypocrisy here? Or is that just the pot smoke she’s blowing to distract us from her blatant pandering?

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Harris is essentially telling black men that without her, they can’t succeed. Apparently, they need fully forgivable loans because, in her eyes, they’re incapable of building a business without the government’s indulgent pat on the head.

And let’s not overlook the mentorship programs to teach them how to be teachers. Why teachers, you ask? Because clearly, Harris thinks black men need to be steered into a government-approved box. That’s what America needs…a bunch of teachers that mirror Jemar Tisby and Ibram X. Kendi.

Forget entrepreneurship in technology or finance—Black men should just stick to classrooms and marijuana dispensaries, right? Mama Kamala knows best.

Let’s be real—Harris isn’t empowering anyone. She’s infantilizing black men, selling them the same tired liberal lie that they’re perpetual victims in need of government saviors. It’s a scam, a quid pro quo. She thinks she can distract them with money and weed while avoiding the real issues plaguing communities, like fatherlessness, broken families, and the erosion of personal responsibility, all in exchange for votes.

Instead of pushing for real solutions that build character and independence, she’s offering a quick hit—both figuratively and literally—to keep them dependent on her and her government cronies. But thankfully, most people are waking up from this nightmare.

And what about this supposed “protection” of cryptocurrency investments? Protect it how? Because what black men really need is the government meddling in their investments to ensure they “know their money is safe.”

This is all just day-to-day liberalism—create a problem, step in as the savior, and then act like the hero who saved the day. It’s not enough for her to help people make informed financial decisions, no—she has to insert herself into every part of their lives, as though black men are incapable of figuring it out for themselves.

The funny thing is that Harris actually thinks she’s being progressive. She believes she’s fighting the good fight by legalizing pot and creating job opportunities in the marijuana industry, as if this is some grand revolution. Never mind the fact that legalizing marijuana has ravaged communities by normalizing drug use and leading to more addiction, more crime, and more broken homes.

But who cares about those pesky facts when you can just promise more freebies, right? She’s not after solutions, she’s after votes.

Is this really the future she envisions? A nation where success means getting government cheese you don’t have to pay back and a chance to work in the local marijuana shop? Harris talks about opportunity, but what she’s really doing is reducing black men to a caricature—lazy, dependent, and needing a fix, whether it’s cash or cannabis.

It’s insulting. It’s degrading. And yet, she’s parading it around like it’s some kind of brilliant strategy. But the reality is that Kamala Harris isn’t offering opportunity. She’s offering sedation—both of the mind and spirit.

She’s not building strong, independent men who can stand on their own two feet. She’s building a constituency of dependents who will keep voting for the handouts she so generously provides.

This is the Democratic playbook—keep people reliant, keep people in need, and promise them more government intervention in exchange for loyalty at the ballot box. Leftists don’t propose solutions, they propose more problems, disguised as progress.

And the real tragedy is that many will buy into this, believing her empty promises and quick fixes will lead to lasting success.

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