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Russell Moore’s Pastor, Ray Ortlund, Publicly Endorses Kamala Harris for President

by | Sep 30, 2024 | News

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Ray Ortlund, the pastor of Immanuel Church in Nashville and a well-known contributor to The Gospel Coalition, has pulled off quite the act for years. He’s been quietly cultivating his “conservative” persona, preaching from a pulpit of orthodoxy while, in reality, cozying up to the left.

Well, the cat’s out of the bag now. He has now openly endorsed Kamala Harris for president.


Not that we didn’t already know he was a closet leftist, but his recent tweet—“Never Trump. This time Harris. Always Jesus”—is all we need to prove it.

Let’s break it down, when he says, “Never Trump,” he’s signaling his alignment with the far-left policies. “This time Harris?” Oh, so now he’s backing a platform that includes unrestricted abortion, leaving babies to die on the table if they survive a botched abortion, pushing LGBTQ indoctrination into schools, and hacking away at children’s innocence in the name of “progress.” It’s like Ortlund’s trying to sell us poison, wrapped up in a “Jesus loves you” gift basket.

But let’s not stop there. Ortlund didn’t just come up with this on his own. He’s got his good friend Russell Moore working right there at Immanuel Church. Moore, who, as the former ERLC head, has mastered the art of soft-peddling progressive politics under a veil of “Christian kindness.” What a coincidence, right? Birds of a feather flock together. And then, we see David French, ever the predictable cheerleader for this leftist parade, chiming in with a smug, “This is the way.” Oh, it’s “the way,” alright—the way to a cultural and spiritual freefall.

Ortlund wants to paint this as some kind of grand moral stance. “Always Jesus,” he says, as if invoking Christ gives him carte blanche to throw his support behind the most radical elements of leftist policy. Slap the name of Jesus on it, and suddenly, you’re immune to critique.

Sorry, but we’re not buying what you’re selling. Is he standing against child mutilation in the name of “gender affirmation”? Nope. Is he defending the unborn from the slaughter of abortion mills? Not a peep. Instead, he hides behind the hollow cry of “Always Jesus” while promoting an agenda that runs directly against everything the gospel stands for.

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If you don’t like Trump, fine. I don’t really “like” him either. But throwing your support behind the most radical leftist in presidential history—one who couldn’t even win a Democratic primary as though she has some kind of moral high ground? What does this reveal about Ortlund’s “ministry”? It’s a facade, a smokescreen. These clowns have infiltrated the Church for a reason, and don’t think there isn’t big money behind it.

And of course, this little charade wouldn’t be complete without his partnership with The Gospel Coalition, that fortress of evangelical doublespeak. They praise “gospel-centered” living while turning a blind eye to the radical destruction of culture happening all around us. If you’re still questioning whether Ortlund’s tweet is just “one little statement,” you’re missing the forest for the trees. They’re all like this, they’re all compromised.

So, what’s Ortlund’s next move? Will he keep parading around in his “pastor to pastors” role while advocating for a political system that dismantles the family and erodes the church’s moral authority? He can wave his “Always Jesus” banner all he wants, but let’s not kid ourselves about what it really means. He’s not just dipping a toe into progressive waters, he’s plunging headfirst and dragging everyone down with him.

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