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Harris/Buttigieg – Could There Be a Clearer Sign of God’s Judgment on America?

by | Jul 24, 2024 | News, Opinion, Politics, Religion, US

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As Kamala Harris seems to be seriously considering Pete Buttigieg for her vice-presidential running mate, we are reminded of America’s moral and spiritual decline. Such a move epitomizes our collective rebellion against our Creator and His order.

Romans 1:18-32 clearly describes what happens when a society rejects God’s truth—God gives them over to their sinful desires. Pete Buttigieg, an openly homosexual man, represents a significant defiance of God’s design for human sexuality. Romans 1:26-27 warns of the consequences:

“God gave them up to dishonorable passions…men committing shameless acts with men.” Our leaders celebrate what God condemns, showcasing the rebellion against divine commandments.

Romans 1:28-32 further describes the outcomes of such rebellion: a society filled with all manner of unrighteousness, envy, deceit, and malice. This is evident in the policies and moral stances promoted by today’s leaders.

Make no mistake about it. Our nation is undeniably a Romans 1 society—one that loves itself some “oppressed” homosexuals and glorifies such wicked behavior.

We must not be quick to believe that a Harris-Buttigieg ticket couldn’t win. The cultural tide has turned, embracing and celebrating what is objectively immoral. As Christians, we must acknowledge the severity of our nation’s spiritual state.

While continuing to pray and share the gospel, we must understand that we live in a society given over to a debased mind, as described in Romans 1:24.

Putting an open, practicing homosexual in one of the most powerful positions in the world be nothing short of a clear indicator of God’s righteous wrath and judgment being poured out on the world. Only Christ can save us.

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