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Update: Leatherwood Reinstated – Brent Leatherwood Fired From ERLC Following Praise of Joe Biden

by | Jul 23, 2024 | News

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Update: Brent Leatherwood was reinstated as president of ERLC after chairman, Smith, claims he acted alone and violated the bylaws of the ERLC in firing Leatherwood. However, on a personal speculative note, I’m not buying for one second that Smith, a far-left progressive, would act alone in firing another far-left progressive. Something else is going on here, and we’re determined to get to the bottom of it. Stay tuned.

Brent Leatherwood, who has served as the president of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC), has been removed from his position. Leatherwood held the role for several years, during which his leadership has often been a subject of contention within the SBC.

The ERLC’s executive committee issued a statement on their website regarding his removal:

“The ERLC Board of Trustees has decided to remove Brent Leatherwood from his position as president effective immediately. The executive committee will oversee the ERLC’s ministry assignments until further decisions are made at the upcoming board meeting in September.”

As of now, the specific reasons for Leatherwood’s firing have not been disclosed by the board, leaving much speculation in its wake. However, in November, a petition by Southern Baptists to remove Leatherwood from his position had hundreds of signatures.

Following the shooting by the trans-identified school shooter in Nashville, Leatherwood led an unrelenting effort to cover up the shooter’s motives and seek court orders to keep the shooter’s “manifesto” from being released to the public, despite the release being in the public’s best interest. When confronted by the media, Leatherwood refused to answer questions.

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Recently, Leatherwood made headlines by praising Joe Biden for stepping down from the 2024 presidential race, calling it a “gracious and dignified move.” This praise was widely criticized, with many pointing out that Biden’s decision was likely influenced by pressure from Democratic elites rather than a voluntary, noble act.

Kevin Smith, the chairman of the ERLC Board of Trustees, tweeted: “The trustees of the @erlc steward the entity on behalf of Southern Baptists. In leading them, I made a consequential procedural mistake. The exec cmte and other trustees are Christ-honoring volunteers, who give much. The mistake was mine; I apologize.”

Smith’s tweet has added to the confusion, as it is unclear what specific mistake he is referring to. Smith, a far-left activist, is infamous for referring to Trump supporters as “whores for Trump” during a panel discussion at an SBC annual meeting in 2022.

Leatherwood’s tenure at the ERLC has been marred by controversies. His stance on abortion, which is unbiblical and compromised, has been a significant point of criticism. Leatherwood has repeatedly lobbied against anti-abortion legislation in several states as well as advocated for policies that would de-criminalize abortion for women seeking them.

The detailed reports by The Dissenter highlight these failures, painting a picture of a leader who many believe has strayed far from the core principles of the SBC. Leatherwood’s recent comments praising Biden seem to have been the final straw, leading to his abrupt dismissal.

As the situation unfolds, The Dissenter will keep you posted.

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