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Fake “Pastor” Says Lydia Could Have Been a Lesbian and Paul Should “Sit This One Out”

by | Jun 7, 2024 | News

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This foolish, silly woman. The chutzpah of this charlatan masquerading as a “pastor” (LOL) is nothing short of hilarity. Her contempt for apostolic authority and her mangled interpretation of Scripture are comedic gold. Suggesting that Paul “needs to sit down”—as if a novice could lecture an apostle—is peak delusion.

Claiming Lydia as the “first church planter”? That’s rich. Twisting her story into a feminist fairy tale is as transparent as it is laughable. And the wild, baseless leap to insinuate that Lydia might have been a lesbian? Pure fiction, not theology. This parody of a sermon is a textbook example of how these faux shepherds lead their flocks into the wilderness with their ridiculous ramblings.

These pretenders should be thoroughly embarrassed by their blatant disregard for God’s Word. It’s almost amusing to watch them stumble through their fabricated narratives, blissfully ignorant of the righteous judgment that awaits. God, in His infinite justice, will indeed deal with such foolishness—and there’s a certain satisfaction in knowing that truth will ultimately prevail over such rebellion against our God.


Fake “Pastor” Says Lydia Could Have Been a Lesbian and Paul Should “Sit This One Out”

– Jeff

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