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Steven Furtick Performs Mega Scripture Twist While Singing Praises of SBC Megachurch Pastor, David Hughes

by | May 20, 2024 | Apostasy, Cult, News, Opinion, Religion, The Church, Video

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For those of us who take the Christian faith seriously, we understand that the Bible is not just a collection of stories and wisdom, but the actual, revealed word of God. And contrary to what popular prosperity “pastor” Steven Furtick may believe, the Bible is not primarily about us.

Furtick, the pastor of Elevation Church in North Carolina, has gained a following for his charismatic preaching style and his focus on the individual. In his sermons and books, Furtick often talks about the importance of personal fulfillment and, echoing the sentiments of the King of Prosperity Charlatanry, how to live your best life now, financially and healthwise. But is this what the Bible is really about?

Some people—normal people — might read 1 Samuel 17, the recount of David and Goliath in Scripture, and come away with a sense of awe for God who delivered an unbelievably unprepared child from the hands of his people’s enemy. The story, clearly, displays the greatness of God and his own handiwork. If you’ve not read it, you should. It’s good.

But some pastors—narcissistic pastors—like to make the Scriptures about themselves. Steven Furtick is a pro at it. Literally a professional—as in, he makes his living off of being a biblical narcissist. For Furtick, he, and all Christians for that matter, should view themselves as “David” while hardships they may face in life are “Goliath.” So instead of this passage being about the glory of God following through with His promise to bring His people a savior, this is about using God more like a genie-in-a-bottle to get what they want.

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Recently, Furtick was invited to preach the 25th anniversary sermon at the highly popular Southern Baptist megachurch pastor, David Hughes, of Church by the Glades in Coral Springs, FL. You may know Hughes from the multiple articles we’ve written about his “church,”—regularly worshiping to extravagant performances of pop culture music, even disgusting music by foul-mouthed rappers, lesbians and homosexuals, and music with references to drinking and drugs.

Just do a search in our archives for “Church by the Glades.”

Watch as Furtick performs an epic mega Scripture twist while praising David Hughes, comparing him to King David from the Bible. Furtick says he’s there to praise God, but then starts listing off the biblical description of King David:

David and Lisa Hughes we love you so very much. We came tonight not to praise David but to praise the God who made a shepherd boy courageous.

You got stones my friend. You got anointing. You have integrity of heart.

Let’s give God praise for 25 years of giant defeating, devil destroying, chain-breaking anointing on this man and this house everybody shout.

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