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ELCA Creates a Year-Long “Queer Confirmation” Curriculum for Homosexual Youth

by | Apr 29, 2024 | Apostasy, heresy, LGBTQ Issues, News, Religion, Social-Issues, The Church

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Queerdom, or living a life of sexual anarchy and rebellion against God, is one thing. But when you cross into the territory of comparing your sexual malfeasance to the triune God and Creator of all things, you’re in serious trouble. Much worse than if you’d just kept your mouth shut about God. Don’t get me wrong, your sin without repentance will still land you a place in Hell, but dragging the name of God into your sin to try to justify it will cause a greater judgment (Revelation 20:12) according to your works of evil.

But such is the work of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA). To make matters worse, the ELCA doesn’t just brag about their sexual anarchy in the name of Christ, but drags little children into their sin, causing them to sin, and even praising them and affirming them in their sin. Jesus has one thing to say about that: Millstone, meet neck.

From LGBTQ youth camps—where they brag about not having to do bible study because it makes LGBTQ children feel unwelcome—to promoting polyamory and every other sexual perversion known to man, it’s safe to say that the ELCA is doing the work of their god, Satan.

In their latest endeavor to lift their proverbial middle fingers to the one true God, the ELCA’s Wartburg Theological Seminary has created a LGBTQ youth curriculum called “Queer Confirmation” that consists of 24 classes in a year-long course that trains children and parents to be affirming of their aberrant sexuality.

If you have any questions as to why these people so strongly insist on accessing your children to promote this stuff, just take a look at the co-creators and the contributors and then ask yourself if they look like people you’d be comfortable handing your children over to. There’s a reason why your brain, your common sense, and your gut all scream “no”:

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