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Mike Todd Teaches “Seed Faith” Prosperity Heresy by Giving 9YO Kid a Thousand Dollars After Passing Out Money

by | Mar 12, 2024 | News | 0 comments

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“Pastor” Mike Todd of the Transformation Church has been growing in popularity at an alarming rate, despite his repulsive and controversial behavior. Earlier this year, Todd made headlines for turning tithing into a million-dollar lottery, using his congregants as nothing more than pawns in his sick game. And just a few weeks ago, Todd made headlines again for spitting in his hands and rubbing them all over a congregant’s face during a so-called “sermon.” It’s clear that Todd cares more about shock value and self-promotion than he does about spreading the teachings of the Bible.

In a recent sermon titled “Cuffed To The Cuddle,” Todd decided to demonstrate his point by jumping into bed with a mannequin and simulating inappropriate physical intimacy in front of the entire church. This was a cringeworthy and depraved moment that no one in the audience will soon forget. And let’s not forget the time Todd showed up to preach a sermon wearing a t-shirt with a picture of his wife in a bikini, clearly putting his own ego ahead of his faith and he’s also argued that you can go to gay bars and still be a Christian.

In his latest repulsive display of charlatanry, he teaches children in the audience the “seed faith” heresy—a false teaching associated with the prosperity gospel that teaches that you will receive multiple blessings from God by planting financial “seeds.” He does this by calling a 9-year-old kid to the floor, and giving him dollar bills to hand out. After he gives them all out, he has him start handing out 20-dollar bills and hundred-dollar bills. The kid, who gives out all of the money to other people in the audience, is finally rewarded for his “faith” by Mike Todd giving him a thousand dollars.

Folks, this isn’t cute or funny, it’s a perversion of the gospel. If you want to give someone money, that’s fine and giving is always a blessing. But to teach that God is always going to reward your financial giving exponentially is heresy. This has nothing to do with the gospel.

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