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Virgil Walker Discusses the Christian Response to the Legalization of Marijuana on OAN

by | Feb 29, 2024 | News, Opinion, Politics, Religion, Social-Issues, The Church, Theology, US, Video, World | 0 comments

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Christians are now finding themselves at a cultural crossroads, grappling with questions of faith, obedience, and witness as the world spirals increasingly into moral chaos. What does the Bible say about substances that alter the mind, such as marijuana, now legal in many states.? How should Christians navigate this new reality in a manner that honors God and upholds the testimony of the gospel?

These pressing inquiries demand thoughtful reflection and biblical discernment. Virgil Walker of G3 Ministries recently addressed these very questions during a segment on OAN. With the wisdom of Scripture and the clarity of divine guidance, Walker elucidates the Christian stance on the legalization of marijuana, offering biblical insights that pierce through the fog of cultural norms. Listen to his response in the video clip below.

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