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Greg Locke Threatens Violence Against People In His Congregation for “Playing Democrat Games”

by | Dec 14, 2023 | Apostasy, News, Politics, Religion, Social-Issues, The Church, US, Video | 0 comments

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While I can appreciate the zeal for exposing Democrats and liberalism in general as manifestations of the demonic, what you’re about to see gives new meaning to Jesus’ words in Matthew 12:26, “And if Satan cast out Satan, he is divided against himself.”

Greg Locke, who is unqualified in every biblical way for the pastorate and who perverts the grace of God into sensuality, has re-branded himself from a semi-tame gospel preacher to a full-blown prosperity gospel charlatan. The man, who left his wife and married his church secretary, now runs around “casting out demons,” “burning witches,” and, apparently, threatening to “bust you in the mouth” with his microphone for being in his congregation while he’s preaching.

Of course, I share in the ardour that abortion, the LGBTQ movement, and liberal politics in general are Satanic. But Locked does not confront these people with the gospel. Instead, he puts on a show, where the band ramps up the music while he’s making threats of violence to these lost people (just like he is), and casts them out.

Anybody else wanna play games while I get to preaching? You better go ahead and do it right now, because it’s gonna be twice as bad here in a few minutes. You do it while I’m preaching, I’ll take this microphone to bust you in the mouth with it the name of God. Because we ain’t playing your stupid Democrat games up in this church. You hear me?

If you gonna play games you might as well pull your shirt off and be a big boy and do it right now. Huh? Go ahead big girl come up here right now if you gonna do it you might as well do it right now. If I’m making you nervous there’s a door you can get out Idon’t let the door hit you with a good large split


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