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NY Appellate Court Reinstates Kathy Hochul’s Quarantine Rule Instituting a Dictatorship in the State

by | Nov 22, 2023 | News, Opinion, Politics, Social-Issues, US | 0 comments

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In a move that strikes at the very heart of American liberty, New York’s Appellate Division has ruled in favor of a regulation that could be plucked straight from an Orwellian nightmare. A decision that has many asking the question: why would anyone want to live in New York? Rule 2.13, cloaked in the guise of public health, gives unprecedented power to the state to quarantine anyone even suspected of exposure to any communicable diseases, not just COVID-19.

This rule, first adopted on March 9, 2020, in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, opens a Pandora’s box of governmental overreach, the likes of which would send shivers down the spine of anyone who believes the Constitution is our nation’s authority.

New York governor, Kathy Hochul’s administration, in a brazen display of power masquerading as public welfare, defends Rule 2.13 as a necessary measure to control highly transmissible diseases. They argue that such powers are essential in times of public health crises. But let’s call it what it is—a thinly veiled attempt to expand governmental control under the pretext of safety.

The administration’s justification rings hollow to those who understand the purpose of the Constitution and cherish the freedom it is meant to defend. The rule grants health officers the authority to detain people indefinitely, with no due process, no hearing, and no legal representation. This is not just an overstep, it’s real tyranny in our nation. It echoes the dark, totalitarian regimes of history, where personal liberties were sacrificed at the altar of state control. The parallels with communist China’s draconian measures are uncanny and deeply unsettling. There, under the guise of public health, citizens are subjected to arbitrary detainment and surveillance, a clear testament to the perils of unchecked governmental power.

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This ruling is a slap in the face to the constitutional safeguards that protect American citizens from tyrannical rule. Echoing the sentiments of staunch defenders of liberty like Senator George Borrello, it’s clear that this decision is not just an overreach but a brazen affront to the very principles upon which our nation was founded.

Senator Borrello, a vocal critic of this autocratic maneuver, has lambasted the ruling as a blatant disregard for the cherished tenets of freedom and due process. It flies in the face of the due process enshrined in our Constitution, a document that the Hochul administration, in its hubristic overreach, seems to regard as nothing more than an inconvenient obstacle.

This decision not only undermines the rule of law but also sets a dangerous precedent that could spread like wildfire across the nation, threatening the very foundations of our republic. With such a stark warning from other state politicians like Borrello, this ruling emerges not just as a local misstep, but as a harbinger of potential nationwide constitutional erosion.

The implications of this ruling are chilling and far-reaching. If left unchallenged, it could mark the beginning of an era where government intrusion into personal lives becomes not just the norm, but expected and embraced. New Yorkers, once proud champions of liberty and justice, now find themselves in a state where their freedoms hang by a thread, subject to the impulses of a government that has already shown a flagrant disregard for constitutional boundaries.

This ruling should serve as a wake-up call to freedom-loving Americans everywhere, but sadly, it probably will not. New York, once a symbol of American resilience and liberty, now casts a shadow over the inalienable, God-given rights we all have as people. It is a reminder that the liberties we often take for granted are not guaranteed, but must be vigorously defended against the encroachment of a government that seems all too willing to overstep its bounds.

In light of this, it’s time that those who cherish their freedoms consider casting their lot with states that honor and uphold the values enshrined in our Constitution. States that respect the balance between individual liberty and public safety, rather than trampling on one in the name of the other. New York’s descent into authoritarianism is a clarion call for action — a signal to seek refuge in states that still hold the torch of liberty high and refuse to buckle under the weight of tyrannical rule. The time for complacency is over. For those who value their freedoms, the message is clear: vote with your feet and seek sanctuary in lands where liberty still reigns supreme.

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