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During “Worship Service,” SBC Megachurch Raves to LGBTQ Activist’s Song

by | Sep 17, 2023 | Apostasy, News, Religion, Social-Issues, The Church, Video | 0 comments

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David Hughes, the president and CEO of C̶h̶u̶r̶c̶h̶ Goat Farm by the Glades in Coral Springs, Florida, has successfully turned the organization into a highly profitable carnival act. Rather than providing spiritual sustenance through the gospel, Hughes is preoccupied with putting on a spectacle. Week after week, we have reported that this church, which remains in fellowship with the Southern Baptist Convention and the powers that be, blasphemes God with its worldly performances and secular music.

The wise words of Charles Spurgeon come to mind, as he cautioned that the church would one day be full of clowns entertaining goats, rather than shepherds feeding sheep. And week after week, this church proves Spurgeon’s words even truer each time. This week, the church puts on a performance for its series called “Trending” by outspoken LGBTQ activist, Justin Timberlake. The song: Say Something, which features Chris Stapleton was released in 2018 as part of Timberlake’s album “Man of the Woods.” The song delves into the idea of the difficulty in communicating effectively, especially in today’s world where everyone has a platform to voice their opinions. It questions the value of speaking out just for the sake of it and suggests that sometimes saying nothing at all can be more meaningful. Apparently, Church by the Glades is attempting to pre-empt criticism on social media by poisoning the well with the idea that not saying anything at all is better.

But one has to ask: why would this pastor believe that saying nothing about issues is better than speaking out? Why would he want to plant the idea in the collective mind of his congregation that it’s okay to listen to what a blaspheming pro-homosexual social activist has to say so long as it is hailed from the weirdos on stage at his church, but other people, particularly those who hold a biblical worldview on issues like sexual ethics, should just keep quiet? One can only wonder. Here’s a short clip of the song:

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