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Pastor Who Compares Jesus to a Stripper Applauds White Woman Who Succumbs to “Anti-racism” and “White Fragility”

by | Sep 8, 2023 | Apostasy, News, Opinion, Politics, Racialism, Religion, Social Justice, Social-Issues, The Church, Theology, Video | 0 comments

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Tim Ross, an associate pastor at the controversial Transformation Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma, has made headlines for all the wrong reasons. Serving alongside lead pastor Mike Todd, Ross is infamous for preaching sermons that not only twist the teachings of the Bible but also outright defy them. For instance, in one extremely disturbing “sermon,” Ross likened money to “bread from heaven”—a biblical term Jesus used to describe Himself—insinuating that accumulating wealth is a God-given right. But even more disturbingly, Ross compared Jesus Christ to a stripper “getting butt naked on the cross” and being pimped out for financial gain. Ross’s aberrant views and preaching style aren’t just ignorant, but outright blasphemous, and steer his followers away from a life of sanctification and holy reverence.

In addition to his questionable theology, Ross also demonstrates a shocking lack of spiritual discernment through his use of profanity while preaching. A while back, he defended his use of the F-word in the pulpit claiming that the Holy Spirit has “never convicted” him for using such language. This admission reveals a concerning disconnect from what the Bible teaches about speech and conduct, and more importantly, sanctification. Rather than exhibiting the characteristics of a godly leader committed to biblical principles, Ross showcases qualities befitting a deceptive charlatan. His flouting of scriptural teachings and ethical conduct makes him unfit to lead any congregation seeking to grow in genuine Christian faith.

In all this, it’s no surprise that Tim Ross is also woke—deathly woke. In a recently surfaced clip from one of his podcasts, Ross platformed a white woman who flagellates herself over her own insecurities as a white woman. Dr. Jenna Mountain, in conversation with Ross, eagerly proclaimed her commitment to “anti-racism,” a term replete with Marxist underpinnings. But to be clear, this virtue signaling is not a quest for truth but a frantic attempt to win favor with leftists who, let’s be brutally honest, will never fully embrace her simply because of her skin color.

Dr. Mountain has willingly entangled herself in the treacherous web of identity politics, reducing complex social issues to mere virtue signaling. This is cultural Marxism at its core—a dogmatic allegiance to a skewed understanding of power dynamics and privilege, utterly dismissive of individual agency and merit. She has become a slave to an “anti-racism” ideology that demands perpetual penance with no hope of redemption—a never-ending cycle of guilt and self-castigation. This is the antithesis of the biblical Gospel, which teaches that our identity is first and foremost in Christ, and that He has broken down the walls of hostility to make one new humanity (Ephesians 2:14-16).

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The Bible warns us that we will know false prophets by their fruits, and both Ross and Mountain are prime examples of what happens when cultural trends supersede Scripture. The Gospel of Christ speaks of liberation from sin, not perpetual penance. It speaks of unity in Christ, not division based on identity politics. This kind of foolish, vain ideology has no place in the Church, a body that should be united in the love and truth of Christ. Rather, the Scriptures call us to tear it down and rip it to shreds.

“We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ, being ready to punish every disobedience, when your obedience is complete.” —2 Corinthians 10:5-6

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