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TGC/LifeWay Lady-Preacher Says Christians Should Affirm Some Marxist Slogans to Truly Be Christian

by | Jul 24, 2023 | News | 0 comments

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A prominent LGBTQ activist that TGC relentlessly promotes is Rebecca McLaughlin. McLaughlin, herself, openly admits that she is romantically attracted to other women. During this presentation at The Gospel Coalition, she states,

“I’ve been romantically attracted to women since childhood, and if I were not a Christian I’d likely be married to a woman, not a man.”

Now, many of you might say “well, since she’s not acting on her attraction, she isn’t a lesbian. But that notion is far from biblical and it is a rejection of the power of the Holy Spirit to change one’s evil desires. Like most in the “SSA Christian” movement, they have redefined homosexuality to only apply to those who physically act upon it. Per her own words, she still desires women romantically.

McLaughlin isn’t just an LGBTQ activist, she’s also a feminist who treats the Scriptures as a manifesto for Liberation Theology, feminism, and intersectionality. Of course, some have argued that she “describes herself as a complementarian,” and that’s good enough. Let us remind you that Beth Moore describes herself as a complementarian, too. It clearly isn’t true. Let’s look at what she teaches, instead.

As recently as the 2023 Southern Baptist Convention annual meeting, McLaughlin was on social media relentlessly defending another female evangelical LGBTQ activist, Rachel Gilson, who preached a sermon implying that someone whose lesbian parents came to Christ but were still in a “marriage” could stay because “God hates divorce.”

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Now, more video has surfaced of McLaughlin preaching at a National Association of Evangelicals conference telling people that Christians should look at a sign that contains various Marxist slogans, and instead of throwing them all out, go through them line-by-line and affirm the ones that the Bible affirms. So that’s what I am going to do now.

McLaughlin held up an example of a sign containing Marxist slogans and asked the audience if they’ve seen signs like there in their neighborhoods. The slogans on the signs read:

Black Lives Matter
Love is Love
Women’s Rights are Human Rights
No Human is Illegal
Science is Real
Kindness is Everything

It’s here where McLaughlin says Christians should be nuanced, take a Sharpie, and affirm some of it. She starts with Black Lives Matter, and so I will too. I will break down what is meant by everything in each of these slogans, and then demonstrate how all of them are opposed to biblical teaching, and how those who throw them all out are the ones doing it right.

“Black Lives Matter” is at its core, a Marxist cry that promotes social division under the guise of fighting racial injustice. It strives to reframe society as a battleground of the oppressed and the oppressor, a fundamental concept of Marxism. This pits individuals against each other based on race, negating the biblical teaching of all humans being created equal in God’s image (Genesis 1:27), and the divine mandate for unity and love (Galatians 3:28). This slogan denies the conservative, biblically-rooted belief that the ultimate remedy for social issues is not political revolution, but personal transformation through Christ.

“Love is Love” is an insidious maxim that employs Marxist methodology of deconstruction and redefinition. It intends to dismantle traditional understandings of love and marriage, which are sacred institutions ordained by God between a man and a woman (Genesis 2:24). While Christ’s teachings advocate for love among all (Matthew 22:39), this slogan distorts love, attempting to legitimize all forms of relationships outside the God-ordained marriage covenant. It directly counters conservative teachings upholding the sanctity and design of marriage.

“Women’s Rights are Human Rights” appears innocent, but it is a Trojan Horse for radical, Marxist-informed feminism that seeks to blur the God-given distinction between genders and roles. The Bible teaches mutual respect and honor between genders (Galatians 3:28, Ephesians 5:21-33), and while it supports rights for all individuals, the slogan is often leveraged to advance agendas such as abortion rights, an affront to the biblical belief in the sanctity of life (Psalm 139:13-16).

“No Human is Illegal” is a slogan steeped in Marxist ideology that seeks to eliminate national boundaries and promote global socialism. While the Bible clearly teaches the humane treatment of foreigners and strangers (Leviticus 19:34), it also upholds the validity of laws and governments as ordained by God (Romans 13:1). Thus, this slogan’s implied endorsement of unrestricted immigration policies contradicts conservative principles of lawful governance and border security.

“Science is Real” is a slogan that, in its underlying context, seeks to undermine faith, using scientific theory as the supreme authority, an approach tied to the materialistic worldview of Marxism. Though the Bible encourages exploration and learning (Proverbs 25:2), it holds God’s truth as the ultimate reality. Therefore, when this slogan is used to discredit faith or promote theories such as evolution over biblical creation, it comes in direct opposition to conservative teachings that uphold the Bible as the inerrant Word of God (2 Timothy 3:16).

“Kindness is Everything” is a slogan that masquerades as a benign truth but often champions moral relativism and emotional subjectivity, principles akin to Marxist deconstruction of objective moral standards. While the Bible teaches kindness (Ephesians 4:32), it never elevates it above truth, justice, and righteousness (Psalm 89:14). This slogan’s broad interpretation can be used to dismiss sin under the guise of tolerance, challenging the conservative adherence to the biblical definition of sin and righteousness.

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