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Most Americans Are Opposed to Businesses Promoting LGBTQ Pride Propaganda

by | Jul 5, 2023 | News | 0 comments

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In recent times, we have witnessed a concerning trend where businesses have aggressively taken up the cause of social activism, often promoting political and cultural narratives associated with the progressive left, including the LGBTQ+ movement and observances like Pride Month. A recent poll conducted by Summit.org and McLaughlin and Associates reveals a robust resistance to this trend among American voters, casting light on the need for businesses to focus on commerce, not cultural warfare.

The poll, conducted in June 2023, reveals a substantial 73% of voters who prefer businesses to refrain from engaging in political and cultural debates. These findings are an unmistakable outcry from the public, weary of the relentless push of leftist ideologies into every aspect of society, including the marketplace.

In an era where corporate giants are relentlessly championing the LGBTQ+ movement, this strong voter sentiment signals a growing frustration. It demonstrates the fact that, in reality, most Americans feel unduly pressured and overwhelmed by the bombardment of a specific political agenda.

The poll also highlights that more than half of the polled voters (52%) support efforts to boycott businesses that take public stands on these issues, reinforcing the extent of the public’s disapproval. It is a clear mandate against businesses straying from their primary mission of providing goods and services into the terrain of socio-political advocacy. The progressive left’s aggressive promotion of causes like the LGBTQ+ movement clashes with the deeply held convictions of many Americans, especially true, Bible-believing Christians.

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The results of this poll should serve as a wake-up call for businesses to respect the diversity of their customer base, which includes millions who adhere to biblical Christian beliefs.

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