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The Absurdity of Liberal Schools Promoting Porn and Banning Bibles in Their Libraries

by | Jun 5, 2023 | News, Politics, Religion, Social-Issues, The Church, US | 0 comments

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Bear witness to the appalling descent into farcical absurdity that has overtaken our educational system, the utter degradation of pedagogical values wrapped neatly in a mantle of feigned moral superiority. Our case in point? The Davis School District of Utah, stepping forth with a peacock-like display of censorial righteousness, banning the Bible, the very cornerstone of Western civilization, from the hands of our impressionable youth. Their reasoning? The supposedly disturbing sexual and violent content within its hallowed pages.

This decision came about following a campaign by an “alarmed” parent—an individual who seemingly found the biblical narratives of human struggle, divine retribution, and ultimate redemption too real, too raw, and too earth-shattering for the tender minds of today’s youth. Apparently, the same holy writ that has been a bright light of hope and a moral compass guiding countless generations, suddenly became an issue of contention, an object too inappropriate for our “enlightened” era.

Riding the wave of a state law requiring them to cater to parents’ opinions on age-appropriate materials, the Davis School District embarked on a sanitization spree, removing books deemed “vulgar” from their libraries. This crusade against perceived obscenity was punctuated by their most audacious move – the banning of the Bible.

But then, the irony could not be more glaring. While the Davis School District busies itself, zealously rooting out what it deems as ‘inappropriate content,’ there are other school districts scattered across this vast nation that are pandering to a diametrically opposite, and arguably more destructive, agenda. These institutions not only embrace but openly endorse materials of an overtly sexual and controversial nature, expressly targeted at the very same young minds that are considered too delicate to handle the profound themes of the Bible. The paradox is not just startling; it’s downright chilling.

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Take for example these disturbing incidents in elementary, middle, and high schools across the USA, where books on transgenderism and homosexuality, brimming with sexually explicit language and detailed graphic depictions, are openly endorsed. From Missouri to Nebraska, even Texas, from the East Coast to the West, these books are filling the shelves of our school libraries and seeping into the minds of our children unchecked.

It’s a staggering paradox: a school district in Utah frets over the “inappropriate” content in the Bible and bans it, while other districts turn a blind eye to the lurid, graphic content in books aimed at children. We are witnessing a dauntless inversion of values, where the Bible is treated as an obscenity while books flaunting explicit sexual content are lauded as educational resources.

The grim reality is that we are in the throes of a culture war, one that threatens to upend the fundamental principles upon which a functioning society rests. It’s a battle we must not and cannot afford to lose—yet a war we must recognize that Christ has already won. God will not be mocked, and His word will not remain suppressed.

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