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TGC Council Member’s Megachurch Hosts Mega Booze and Cigar Festival for “Man’s Night”

by | May 6, 2023 | News, Religion, Social-Issues, The Church | 0 comments

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I’m not going to attempt to make a theological case against alcohol as there is simply no way to justify from Scripture that having a drink now and again is sinful. The Bible simply does not teach this. It does, however, teach against drunkenness and it does teach that even though some things are permissible, they may not always be beneficial.

And I can’t think of a less beneficial way to exercise your freedom of conscience on this issue than for a megachurch to host a mega-men’s festival inviting them to booze it up and smoke cigars. But that’s exactly what College Park Church in Indianapolis, Indiana is doing not once, not twice, but three times this summer.

Keep in mind, this isn’t just a few guys getting together to play poker, have a beer or two, and smoke a cigar. According to the description sent out in a church email, they are using a “massive, beautiful field across the street where we can fit as many of y’all can come.”

As you can see from number 3 above, while they won’t be serving any “adult beverages” to you, you are welcome to bring “any sort” you please, and “many other men” will be doing the same. Now, imagine the liability of this. This isn’t just open to church members, but they’re urging men to bring friends along with them, drink it up, and then, well, drive home I guess. And from what I understand, there may be a swimming pool involved too. A church, hosting dozens, perhaps hundreds of men, drinking, smoking, swimming, and then driving home.

But wait, “what’s that?” you say. The lead pastor of this church is a council member of The Gospel Coalition? Why. Why yes, he is, indeed. Again, this is College Park Church in Indianapolis where Mark Vroegop is the lead pastor. And Vroegop is a council member of The Gospel Coalition.

According to Visual Visitor, College Park has approximately 4500 weekly attendees, so we’re potentially inviting hundreds of men to come get drunk, act up, and then drive home.

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