The great Baptist preacher Charles Spurgeon once predicted that “a time will come when instead of shepherds feeding the sheep, the church will have clowns entertaining the goats!” He was correct, and that time is now. In recent years, there has been an insidious but increasingly prominent rise in the foolish charades masquerading as the Ministry of Reconciliation. One such example is listed here.
Last year, we reported that a popular megachurch blasphemed God with its regular mockery of the crucifixion. Mark Hughes, the pastor of the Canadian megachurch, Church of the Rock in Winnipeg, preached a sermon from a set made to look just like the set from The Lion King. According to the church’s Instagram page, “This Easter we will be transported to the African Savannah to discover the true meaning of Easter along The Lion King movie characters you know and love!”
The Bible refers to God as both the Lion of Judah and the King of Kings, but the Bible does not mock God by comparing him to a pagan cartoon movie with a soundtrack created by a flaming homosexual.
But this year, this same church has taken their mockery of Christ to the next level and performed a re-enactment of the crucifixion with a female Disney character—Beauty and the Beast.