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SBTS Professor Says Same-Sex Attraction is Not Sin and Those Who Believe So are Like Satan

by | Feb 3, 2023 | LGBTQ Issues, News, Politics, Religion, Social-Issues, The Church, US, Video | 0 comments

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I recently had an exchange with Jared Moore, a pastor and a graduate of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (SBTS), who has been exposing much of the bad theology within the Southern Baptist Convention over sexuality. Moore recently started a firestorm on Twitter through a series of tweets on several prominent Evangelical leaders denying that same-sex attraction is sin.

In Moore’s latest expose, he demonstrates that a long-time professor at SBTS, David Prince, is openly and unashamedly teaching that same-sex attraction is not sin and that those who believe that it is are “accusers” like Satan.

In an article on Prince’s website, after citing Romans 8:23, “And not only the creation, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies,” he argues:

I am arguing that same sex desires and same sex orientation are in that category of groaning — waiting for the redemption of our bodies. Which means they are in the same broad category with all kinds of disordered bodies and minds and emotions. If we tried to make a list of the kinds of emotional and mental and physical brokenness of the human family the list would be unending. And all of us are broken and disordered in different ways. All of you are bent to desire things in different degrees that you should not want. We are all disordered in our emotions, or minds, our bodies.

Of course, this argument is completely and totally absurd. Men desiring to have sexual intercourse with other men and women with women is not described anywhere in Scripture as an “emotion,” but rather “πάθη ἀτιμ,” which is translated as “dishonorable passions” in the ESV, “degrading passions” in the NASB, and “vile affections” in the KJV. Further, these degrading passions are described as a state of being demonstrative of a mind, body, and spirit that has been “given over” by God to the “lusts of the flesh.” Sexual attraction is not described as an emotion, but rather thoughts and desires that can either be natural or unnatural.

And since homosexual attraction is described in Romans 1 as a mind being “given over” to the “lusts of the flesh,” In the same chapter of Romans (chapter 8) that Prince cites to try to remove the stigma of homosexuality and redefine sexual sin as “brokenness,” he fails to acknowledge that just prior that in verse 7, that “the mind that is set on the flesh is hostile to God,” because it does not, and cannot, submit to God’s law.

Prince’s view is clearly out of line with biblical teaching and to suggest that those who hold a hardline biblical stance on human sexuality and sexual ethics are “accusers of the brethren” like Satan is foolish, at best. But we already know that the Southern Baptist Convention is sinking deeper into spiritual and theological apostasy and it’s merely a matter of time before the entire denomination is handed over.

Watch Jared’s expose here:

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