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Queer Explains Why it’s Necessary that UK Give Out Gender Recognition Certificates

by | Jan 18, 2023 | LGBTQ Issues, News, Politics, Social-Issues, Video, World | 0 comments

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If you are 18 or older, and have been living as your chosen gender for at least two years, you may apply for a Gender Recognition Certificate (GRC) which legally acknowledges your gender. At least, that’s the narrative according to several official government websites in the United Kingdom. This also applies if you have undergone a gender change in certain countries outside of Great Britain.

According to the official UK government website, holding a GRC allows you to change the gender on your birth or adoption certificate, get married or form a civil partnership in your affirmed gender, and have your affirmed gender on your death certificate when you die. However, it will not change your legal status as the father or mother of a child.

Of course, this does not take into account actual reality and when their bones are discovered 1000 years from during excavation, they will be identified as the gender assigned to them by God and nature. It’s really quite absurd if you think about it—the government is now getting into the business of officially recognizing the delusions of self-infatuated story-tellers pretending, like children, to be something that they are not.

One person, a man who now has one of these fraudulent government-issued certificates and now identifies as a woman named Laura Kate Dale, went on an interview to explain why it’s just so important that the government recognizes the delusions of mentally ill people.

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In the UK, if you want to get married under your gender as a trans person, you have to have a gender recon-ci-ci-sen certificate,” Dale stuttered in a deep, masculine yet effeminate voice. “For me, it was a case of, I wanted to get married, and I didn’t want to, on my wedding day, have to write down Mister and Male on what should be one of the most feminine feeling days of my life, getting married to the person I love.”

“At the end of the day there’s only really three things that basically the gender recogni-ni-ni-in certificate actually impacts. It’s who you can get married as…when you die, what name and what gender is put on your death cerci-ci-fisit, and some stuff around taxes and pensions.”

“Largely, a gender recogni-ni-tion certificate is important so that someone can be affirmed as who they are when they get married and when they die, their family can’t override their wishes and bury them as someone they’re not,” Dale concluded.

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