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Male Student at Brown University Claims He Knows What it Feels Like to Have a Vagina

by | Jan 9, 2023 | Apostasy, LGBTQ Issues, News, Religion, Social-Issues, Video | 0 comments

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The transgender movement or ideology is one of the most insidious and destructive forces at work in our society today. It is a direct assault on the biblical truth of human sexuality, and its aim is to undermine and ultimately destroy the traditional family unit and the values that it represents.

Transgender queer ideology promotes a highly distorted view of gender and sexuality, one that rejects the biblical teaching that God created us male and female and that each gender has its own unique and distinct roles and responsibilities. This distorted view is being actively promoted in our schools, in the media, and in our culture at large, and it is having a profoundly negative impact on our children and our society.

This movement has the ultimate goal of destroying Christianity as it is actively rebelling against God and creation by promoting a false narrative of gender identity and expression, one which is completely at odds with traditional Christian values. It seeks to normalize and even celebrate behaviors and lifestyles that are completely contrary to what the Bible teaches and what society has historically embraced.

The transgender movement is a direct attack on the traditional family structure and the values that it represents. It is a dangerous and destructive force that undermines the very foundation of our society and undermines our collective sense of morality and decency. It seeks to replace the traditional values of our society with a radical, anti-Christian worldview that is antithetical to common sense and reasoning.

In the video below, a male student at Brown University self-identifies as “transgender” and claims he knows what it feels like to have a vagina. This is truly insane as this is not just a clear violation of science and biology, they are simply trying to force everyone into an artificial reality that they have created for themselves. This kind of thinking is based on a fictitious reality that has been created by the transgender movement, one that seeks to erase the distinctions between male and female and to blur the lines between gender roles and expressions.

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