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Man Claims He’s Experiencing Menstrual Cramps After “Transitioning” to a “Woman”

by | Dec 27, 2022 | Cult, LGBTQ Issues, News, Politics, Religion, Social-Issues, Video | 0 comments

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It’s no longer a matter of ‘normal people versus the rest’, instead, it seems more like an uphill battle between logic and madness. The world has well and truly lost its sense when we are considering “transgenderism” as something even remotely normal – with some happily embracing this alternate reality while others try to hold their sanity on by just one thread! Alas transforming into what society wants us to be will not change our real identity — whatever that may be.

It seems we have come to a point where objective truth has been abandoned in favor of subjective opinion and emotion. What once was considered common sense has now become uncertain and open for debate. We have reached a place where our views can be based solely on what makes us feel good rather than what actually is true. It almost appears that there are those who would rather believe in something false if it means avoiding discomfort or simply having something different, regardless of how ridiculous their beliefs may be.

This phenomenon has reached its peak with the push for “transgender rights”, wherein people who were born male can pretend to be women and are applauded for doing so. And yet these literal clowns and their supporters will lambast anyone who dares speak out against them as ignorant or hateful – all because they refuse to accept something that defies basic logic and science.

The truth is that there will always be those who seek to deny reality and embrace whatever feels best at that particular moment – but we should never allow ourselves to succumb to this form of insanity. We must remember the importance of holding fast to truth despite how uncomfortable it may make us feel, even if it goes against popular opinion or trends. Without objective truth, none of us can hope for any kind of sanity or order in this world – and thus we must strive everyday towards maintaining our own inner compass lest we get lost in a tide of delusion.

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Here’s a prime example of this madness. A man, who, after receiving hormone therapy to “transition” into a “woman” is pretending to experience menstrual cramps. Why aren’t real women speaking out against this?

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