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False Prophet Says God Showed Her How Hard it Was for Christ to “Decide” to Come to Earth

by | Dec 22, 2022 | Apostasy, News, Religion, The Church, Video | 0 comments

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The concept of God’s eternal decree, also known as predestination or divine sovereignty, is a fundamental biblical doctrine that affirms the all-encompassing nature of God’s control over the universe. This doctrine is based on the eternal attributes and divine nature of God, as revealed in the Bible.

According to this doctrine, God has predetermined all that will happen, and nothing can occur outside of his sovereign will. This is evident in passages such as Ephesians 1:11, which states that believers have been “predestined according to the purpose of him who works all things according to the counsel of his will.”

The biblical doctrine of God’s immutability, or unchanging nature, is also closely related to the concept of his eternal decree. If God is immutable, then he cannot change his mind or be influenced by external circumstances. This means that his will and purpose are fixed and certain, and he cannot be swayed by the choices or actions of human beings.

In light of this, it is clear that God’s eternal decree and immutability remove the element of difficult decision-making, as his will and purpose are already established and cannot be altered. This means that all events and outcomes ultimately flow from God’s sovereign will and are consistent with his eternal purpose.

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Kat Kerr, a self-proclaimed prophetess who claims to regularly visit Heaven, has said that God showed her what happened before Jesus came to earth. According to Kerr, Jesus and the rest of the Trinity sat around debating how to save sinners, and Jesus ultimately decided to come to earth and die on the cross, although he was hesitant to do so.

However, not only is it preposterous to suggest that Kerr is actually making these trips to Heaven, but her description of what she claims to have seen goes against the biblical teachings of God’s unchanging nature and sovereignty. These claims contradict the Bible’s teachings about God’s unchangeable will and purpose, as well as his immunity to external influences. It is important to carefully evaluate the words of these self-proclaimed “prophets” and “seers” and to reject any claims that do not align with the truth of the Bible—which, let’s be real, are pretty much all of them.

Her entire story-telling here is completely bizarre and outlandish that I can’t even explain it. You’ll just have to watch it for yourself:

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