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Santa Has Become Such an Idol That Even Pakistani Children Are Singing His Praises in Church

by | Dec 20, 2022 | Apostasy, News, Religion, The Church, Video | 0 comments

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You would expect American and Westernized nations to be filled with churches that worship and serve false idols like Santa. These churches, mostly circus-like megachurches, have replaced Christ with the Creature and they worship themselves and their emotions over anything that even resembles the God of the Bible.

But when such idolatry has even infected churches in parts of the world that are known for their extreme persecution of Christians, you know that the idol has its grips deep into the hearts of those who worship it.

But that’s exactly what’s happening, and it’s quite literally unbelievable. Below is a clip taken from St. Anthony’s Church in Karachi, Pakistan. In the video, you can see children singing praises to Santa Claus during the worship service. It’s really sad how much this idolatry has infected professing Christians all over the world.

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