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LGBTQ Will Do Anything to Blaspheme the God They Hate, Including Crafting a False Jesus With Two Dads

by | Dec 16, 2022 | Apostasy, LGBTQ Issues, News, Religion, Social-Issues | 0 comments

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It’s hard to even fathom that some people actually think that the completely absurd and ridiculous notion of “gay Christianity” is actually a thing. It’s like trying to convince me that unicorns are real or that the moon is made of cheese. It’s just ridiculous and completely made up. And the version of “Jesus” that these so-called “gay Christians” worship is about as genuine, or queer, as a three-dollar bill.

But apparently, that hasn’t stopped the sexual revolution from completely defiling and desecrating the God of the Bible. They’ve even gone so far as to create a revolting image of a “gay nativity scene,” featuring a “Jesus” with “two dads.” This loathsome and unsavory display of blasphemy and idolatry has conservative Christians up in arms, and rightfully so. It’s an outrageous and offensive affront to our God.

A website called QSpirit is making and selling Christmas paraphernalia that depict these abominations:

“I create my own queer Nativity scenes for the Christmas season,” the website owner states. “One has two Marys at the manger with the baby Jesus, and the other features two Josephs with the Christ child.”

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“I put Mary with Mary and Joseph with Joseph—just like putting two brides or two grooms on top of a wedding cake!”

“Obviously this is not about historical accuracy,” she continues, “but I believe my queer Nativity scenes are true to the spirit of the Christmas story in the Bible: God’s child conceived in an extraordinary way and born into disreputable circumstances.”

Yeah, just no! To suggest that the inclusion of two Marys or two Josephs in a Nativity scene is somehow “true to the spirit” of the biblical story is completely absurd and shows a gross misunderstanding of the fundamental teachings of Christianity. The Nativity story is not about celebrating alternative lifestyles or promoting a particular political agenda, but rather about the miraculous birth of Jesus, the son of God, and the importance of faith and devotion.

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