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San Francisco Launches Program to Pay Transgenders to be Transgender With Your Tax Dollars

by | Nov 17, 2022 | LGBTQ Issues, News, Politics, Social-Issues, US | 0 comments

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What’s the quickest way to turn an entire city into a bunch of queers? Pay them to be queers. Not that San Francisco isn’t already the most queered-out city in the nation, but a new program promises to make it even queerer and attract more queers from all around the nation. Geez, could I use the word “queer” more in a single paragraph?

San Francisco has just launched a taxpayer-funded program to offer “guaranteed income” to transgender people and the initial program will start by supporting just 55 people. However, if the program is successful—and let’s be real, leftists measure success differently than normal people—the program will be expanded to support anyone who is, well, anything but straight.

“Our Guaranteed Income Programs allow us to help our residents when they need it most as part of our City’s economic recovery and our commitment to creating a more just city for all,” London Breed, the mayor of San Francisco said. “We know that our trans communities experience much higher rates of poverty and discrimination, so this program will target support to lift individuals in this community up.”

This follows on the heels of another anti-family pro-immorality project that San Francisco implemented in 2020, the Abundant Birth Project. This project pays $1,000 a month to poor, unwed black women who sleep around and have children out of wedlock.

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Of course, everyone knows that these programs are illegal, unconstitutional, and discriminatory in nature—but that doesn’t matter. Because, of course, it doesn’t. After all, it’s all the fault of white supremacy and systemic racism. That’s why transgender people are poor and unwed black women sleep around. So, it follows then, that white people should have to pay them to continue in their immoral lifestyle.

Sodom and Gomorrah anyone? Honestly, it’s game over folks. We lose this battle—but we must realize that God has already won the war. He won on the cross and that’s where we need to place our hope. God will smite this world just like he did Sodom and Gomorrah one day and at that moment, every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord!

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