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Exposing the False Prophets of the Mid-Terms #1: Hank Kunneman

by | Nov 15, 2022 | Apostasy, heresy, News, Opinion, Politics, Religion, US, Video | 0 comments

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Prior to the mid-term elections, so much of the right-wing media and landscape predicted that there would be a “red wave” that took control of Congress. Some predicted it would be a sweep in the House giving the Republicans a majority of over 20. and gaining a few seats in the Senate as well. Well, clearly that didn’t pan out as predicted and though we may have a very slim majority in the House, it’s possible—even likely—that we may lose a seat in the Senate.

But worse than the media prophets are the false prophets of the professing Church who worship their politics and speak of America as though God is in covenant with this nation—but He is not. That doesn’t stop these circus clowns from speaking presumptuously and, time and time again, they’re being exposed as the false prophets that they are. I’ll be exposing all of them, one by one, who “prophesied” in the name of the Lord that the mid-term elections would be a Republican sweep that God uses to restore America. Hank Kunneman is the first one in this series.

Hank Kunneman, pastor of One Voice Ministries in Nebraska says that the United States will be protected from Coronavirus because Donald Trump has a record of being anti-abortion. Late last year, Kunneman said that abortion gives demons the “blood right” to carry out mass shootings in America.

Kunneman is a false prophet who is popular among charismatic circles and heavily promoted by Charisma Magazine. In a panel discussion on Flashpoint with other false prophets including Mario Murillo and Lance Wallnau, Kunneman told the audience that God told him that the mid-term elections wasn’t actually about the mid-terms, but it was about God using something on man’s calendar to restore America.

Repeatedly quoting from the Old Testament God’s promises to the nation of Israel, Kunneman said that “I pressed God, and said ‘God what are you saying?’ And He said to me ‘Deuteronomy chapter 6 verse 23.'”

And He said ‘notice the verse 23 for 2023, I’m going to establish 20 20 free.’ He said ‘I am setting the nations free!” He is about to, I’m telling you, bring this nation out of the harshness that we’ve been in, the garbage that we’ve had to face. ‘Well, pastor Hank, how do you know?” Because in 2018 and 2019, I prophesied there would be a plague [no he actually didn’t] and I prophesied before it happened that we would enter into the decade of difference. And it would start off harsh, and then we would come into rest. God has not changed His mind.

And then God said ‘Do you think they will take my nation from me?’ No. God is bringing is in to bring us out. It then goes on to say to give us the land that He promised, to give us America.

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Well, you can just watch the rest of the clip to see just how bad he twists the Scriptures and just how ridiculously wrong he was about the mid-terms.

when a prophet speaks in the name of the Lord, if the word does not come to pass or come true, that is a word that the Lord has not spoken; the prophet has spoken it presumptuously. You need not be afraid of him. —Deuteronomy 18:22

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