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Tucker Carlson: CDC About To Make COVID Vaccine Mandatory for Children to Attend School

by | Oct 19, 2022 | News, Opinion, Social-Issues, Video | 0 comments

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If you needed one more reason to pull your children out of public schools, look no further. According to a report by Tucker Carlson, the CDC is slated to add the COVID vaccine to the childhood vaccination schedule which would make it mandatory for a child to receive the vaccine in order to attend school. As a matter of fact, most private schools abide by the same vaccine policies and parents may seriously need to consider what sacrifices may need to be made in order to protect their children.

While many states still offer religious exemptions for children to attend school without disclosing their vaccination status, more states are moving away from these exemptions. It’s simply a matter of time before all will be required.

Despite the fact that there is no data supporting this decision by the CDC, it appears that the plans to move forward with it are on track. Regulations.gov reports that at an upcoming meeting, “The agenda will include discussions on influenza vaccines, pneumococcal vaccine, meningococcal vaccines, respiratory syncytial virus vaccine, rotavirus vaccine, dengue vaccines, adult immunization schedule, child/adolescent immunization schedule, COVID-19 vaccines and Chikungunya vaccine. Recommendation votes on pneumococcal, adult immunization schedule, child/adolescent immunization schedule and COVID-19 vaccines are scheduled.”

Here is the report from Carlson:

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