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Promiscuous Floozy Says Her Christian Faith Doesn’t Conflict With Her Polyamory

by | Sep 22, 2022 | Apostasy, News, Religion, Social-Issues | 0 comments

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Polyamory, which is having multiple sex partners with the consent of all involved, appears to be a growing phenomenon in leftist “Christian” circles. As sexual immorality runs rampant in the world, the Church should be a refuge from where one can find escape from these temptations—but instead, what’s being passed off as “church” today is nothing more than Satanic temples designed to promote the godlessness of the Pagan world.

Such is the case with a woman named Jennifer Martin who says that she is a Christian but rejects “biblical marriage” and embraces a polyamorous lifestyle.

“Though many people don’t understand it, my Christian faith doesn’t conflict with my polyamory,” Martin wrote in an article at Yahoo.

Martin explained that in the midst of her sexual anarchy, somehow, she still loves Jesus. “Well-meaning people ask why I’m still a Christian when I could be agnostic, or atheist, or something else. My answer is that I still believe in God and the teachings of Jesus Christ. I go to church every week, I pray, I read the Bible, and I still believe in Christlike values, like caring for the poor or fighting oppression.”

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In another article at Insider, Martin said that she and her cuckold husband decided to move her multiple sex partners into their home in 2016 along with their 3 and 6-year-old children. “We opted to join a local polyamory group that was family-friendly,” Martin said, “and we brought our kids to many events to be educated about it and meet other polyamorous families, which helped normalize it for my kids at a young age.”

In actuality, what Martin has done is place herself in an extremely dangerous situation with God who says that it would be better for her to have a millstone tied around her neck and thrown into the depths of the sea than to face God’s wrath for causing these little children to sin (Matthew 18:6). Further, it would behoove her to remove the name of Christ from her lips altogether—as she faces God on the day of judgment, the blasphemy she proclaims will intensify His wrath greatly.

Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter! —Isaiah 5:20

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