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Southern Baptist Pastor Defends Kamala Harris Preaching Pro-Abortion Message at National Baptist Convention

by | Sep 9, 2022 | Abortion, Apostasy, Cult, News, Politics, Religion, Social-Issues, The Church, Video | 0 comments

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The National Baptist Convention (NBC) is a completely apostate “Baptist” denomination that has completely abandoned the gospel and embraced the “woke” social justice movement of the political left. This denomination contains exactly zero churches that rightly understand the gospel and their grasp on the Scriptures is immature and superficial, at best.

Yet, Southern Baptists continue to partner with this apostate denomination as if they offered anything of value. In 2016, Southern Baptist president Ronnie Floyd invited leaders of the NBC to address Southern Baptists at the annual meeting as they denounced “white supremacy” and “racism.” Essentially, the only thing the NBC denounces is conservative biblical values.

As what happened at the NBC meeting yesterday. Yesterday, Kamala Harris got up on stage to preach to leaders of the NBC about what it means to carry out their faith values. Those values included such things as being pro-abortion, being pro-homosexual, banning “assault weapons,” redistributing wealth, and making sure Donald Trump didn’t get re-elected—and you better believe she twisted the Scriptures to an epic scale to do so. In the video clip below, you can hear Harris’s pro-abortion message.

Notorious apostate Southern Baptist pastor, Dwight McKissic—who for whatever reason is given a large and vocal platform in the SBC—is dually aligned with both the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) and the NBC. When Texas pastor, Tom Buck, posted a rhetorical question on Twitter asking “Who else is for the SBC to never send one of their leaders to this group ever again?” in response to Kamala Harris’s pro-abortion sermon at the NBC meeting, McKissic jumped right in to defend her:

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And, of course, he continues to respond by twisting the truth and actually being the one himself who is sowing discord.

For the record, we addressed McKissic’s idiotic claim that what this “SBTS employee” said was anything close to what McKissic tried to twist it into. McKissic is the one that sows discord, McKissic is an accuser of the brethren. Not only has McKissic argued relentlessly in favor of legalizing abortion, but he has also argued that voting for pro-abortion Democrats is no different than voting for Republicans who want to “place children in cages.”

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