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NY Governor Says Legal Concealed Carry for Self-Protection “Makes Everyone Feel Unsafe”

by | Jun 24, 2022 | Law Enforcement, News, Politics, Social Unrest, Social-Issues, US, Video | 0 comments

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I don’t know about you, but it isn’t legal law-abiding citizens carrying guns that make me feel unsafe, it’s the illegal criminals running around in the streets terrorizing an unarmed citizenry that makes me feel unsafe. And worse, it is a government monopoly on law enforcement that makes me feel unsafe. History demonstrates that disarming the citizenry only serves to increase crime, instability, and tyranny in a society.

Yet, the moronic unelected governor of New York insists otherwise. After the Supreme Court struck down an anti-Second Amendment law in New York yesterday that restricted the right to bear arms only to people who could demonstrate a specific threat and “need” to carry outside of the home, Kathy Hochul attempted to explain that those law-abiding citizens legally carrying outside the home for self-protection “make everyone feel unsafe.”

I can emphatically say that Kathy Hochul makes me feel unsafe.

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