I always find it hilarious to listen to false prophets and false apostles tell us about their visitations to the “throne room” of Heaven where they meet Jesus face to face. In all of these so-called accounts, Jesus gives them some kind of “assignment” or some kind of new revelation that they are supposed to take back and share. And, more often than not, their prophecy turns out to be unbiblical or false.
Such is the case with Tony Kemp, a charismatic pastor, speaker, and writer told us recently about his “visit” to Heaven. According to Kemp, during a prayer meeting, he was lifted up into Heaven where he described Jesus as a white man with a “chocolate brown mustache and beard,” “about six feet tall,” and “well built.”
Of course, this doesn’t sound anything like the way the Scriptures describe Jesus. According to Revelation 1:14-15, Jesus’s “hairs of his head were white, like white wool, like snow. His eyes were like a flame of fire, his feet were like burnished bronze, refined in a furnace, and his voice was like the roar of many waters.”
While we’re not given very much information about exactly what Jesus looks like, and while we didn’t have the privilege of seeing him in person as he walked the Earth 2000 years ago, I think it’s safe to stick with what the Scriptures say about Jesus and ignore what Tony Kemp says.
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