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Worship Artist Profiles: Sean Carter

by | Mar 1, 2022 | heresy, Opinion, The Church | 0 comments

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Sean Carter is a popular artist known for songs such as Redeemed by the Blood of the Lamb and the widely popular Passion Song. While on the surface, the lyrics to some of his music may not seem that bad, while the lyrics of his other music may be questionable. However, after digging a little deeper into Sean Carter and his music, it’s clear that he and his music should be avoided by your church.


Sean Carter is associated with the worship music collective known as People & Songs. People and Songs is an ecumenical umbrella organization that promotes artists from various denominations including the non-Trinitarian heretic, Charity Gayle, who is a Oneness Pentecostal.


Carter is also associated with an organization called the Emerging Sound. The Emerging Sound is also an ecumenical music education and training organization that is associated with many of the same artists from People & Songs. According to its website, the organization believes that “God has put desire for biblical unity in us, and a longing to see the Church become one in faith, in hope, and in one calling.” Because of this, they claim to have “Representatives of varying denominations called to walk together and demonstrate healthy unity in Christ” and they state they will not divide unless they disagree on the “basic tenets” of the faith that they list on their website. The problem, however, is that their “basic tenets” are vague and allow room for nearly every heresy including Oneness Pentecostalism.

According to Carter’s LinkedIn page, he spent more than five years at a Dallas, TX area church called Chase Oaks prior to serving at his current Southern Baptist church. Chase Oaks Church is where Carter launched his career as a founding member of the Epoch Worship Venue at Chase Oaks Church.

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Chase Oaks Church is an LGBTQ-friendly, gay-affirming church that encourages people to “understand their struggles” and believes that the Church should “create safe spaces for them to explore their sexuality and faith.” That can be found at this link: https://www.chaseoaks.org/blog/how-to-love-our-lgbtq-friends/

Chase Oaks also hosted the “gay Christian” Revoice Conference in 2021.

Carter holds to the typical Pentecostal/Charismatic view that it is the job of the worship leader to hype the emotions of the congregation through music rather than the Holy Spirit working through the Word of God to draw people to worship Him.

Positions and Beliefs

  • Led Worship at a gay-affirming church for several years
  • Agrees with and promotes the beliefs of Oneness Pentecostal heretics
  • Ecumenical
  • Emotionalism


True believers should avoid using Sean Carter’s music.

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