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Tim Keller Says Foul-Mouthed Roman Catholic is “Brilliant Example” of How to be a Christian in Public

by | Feb 4, 2022 | News, Politics, Social-Issues, The Church | 0 comments

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Tim Keller may not seem like the stereotypical charismatic, tongue-flapping, prosperity gospel-preaching false prophet that many false teachers we’ve covered so far in our False Teacher of the Day series, yet, his influence on the Evangelical Church cannot be understated.

Keller is held in high regard as one of the most profound theologians of the modern New Calvinist movement and his influence is on par with that of other theologians such as John MacArthur and the late R.C. Sproul. His teachings are part and parcel in practically every Evangelical church in America from Calvinist-leaning to Arminian.

One can only wonder why any Bible-believing Christian still regards him as one to be followed or to learn from. Today, Tim Keller once again showed his true colors by praising a godless, foul-mouthed Roman Catholic, Stephen Colbert, stating that he is a “brilliant example of how to be a Christian in the public square.”

No, we should not desire to have more of these people stand in the face of the culture as a public witness of Christianity. Stephen Colbert does not represent Christianity–he represents his father, the devil. Keller should know this–not only is Roman Catholicism a harlot false church, but he is also a false convert who shows absolutely no fruits of repentance and faith. He is an idolater, a God-hater, who stands both spiritually and culturally for everything God hates. Tim Keller has been deceived by him, and is encouraging others to follow in his delusion.

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But he isn’t the only one. Jackie Hill Perry–a lesbian who has been elevated by mainstream Evangelicalism as an authority figure on faith and the gospel for no other reason than she’s gay and black–also praised Colbert.

It’s time we write these so-called “Christian” leaders off and view them for what they are–infiltrators attempting to deceive Christians.

And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. So it is no surprise if his servants, also, disguise themselves as servants of righteousness. Their end will correspond to their deeds. –2 Corinthians 11:14-15

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