Charismatic quack, Jim Maxim, tells a story of the time in his life when he had an unfortunate car accident while driving drunk that left him unconscious in the hospital. While in the hospital, he says his mother went home and prayed for him. As she was praying for him, he had died and gone to Hell. Never knowing Jesus during his life, Jesus walks into Hell where he is surrounded by two demons attempting to hurt him, and Jesus saved him and brought him back to life.
I looked at those demons, it was then that Jesus Christ came to me on this side. I saw him but I can’t describe him…it was a Spiritual thing. You see, I never read the Bible. I never been to a prayer meeting. I never been to a Christian Church…
Of course, this is completely contradictory to the Scriptures that teach that it is appointed for man to die once, and then the judgment (Hebrews 9:27). Maxim did not go to Hell–he may have had a traumatic brain injury that caused hallucinations while he was out–but he did not go to Hell. And to tell people that he did–and especially tell people that Jesus saved him apart from knowing him–is a lie.