Anyone in their right mind knows that Democrats have moved so far to the radical left that there is no possible way that voting for them could result in a positive moral change for the nation. Democrats are hell-bent on destroying not only the economic fabric but the moral fabric of this nation.
In fact, the Democrat party platform reads like the antithesis to the Ten Commandments — they want to expand abortion, in many cases even after birth. They want to take away the rights of families to raise their own children and they want to strip all religious freedoms and freedom of speech.
And that’s just the beginning. Democrats hate Christians and they hate America. Their worldview is secular, rooted in humanism, they’re anti-life, and they want to force the celebration of sexual anarchy. And they dare us to say anything about it.
Yet, “Christian” leftists voted for Democrats anyways — and as we’ve been pointing out, it’s for selfish gain.
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Justin Giboney of the And Campaign — a leftist organization disguised as a “third way” — and a contributor to The Gospel Coalition admits that black people put Biden and Harris in office for personal financial gain. It’s a sad reality, really, that so many have been seduced by this worldly ideology that they’re willing to trade the lives of unborn children and the moral fabric of our society for personal gain.