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Black Lives Matter Call Tom Brady “Racist” For Winning Superbowls During Black History Month

by | Feb 8, 2021 | News, Racialism, Social-Issues | 0 comments

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No, this is not the Babylon Bee. Liberal idiots have resorted to calling Superbowl champion, Tom Brady, a “racist” because he has led his team to win seven Superbowls in the month of February which happens to be Black History Month.

This is literally the lunacy of the left — it knows no bounds. It can’t possibly get any dumber, but make no mistake about it, it will. Apparently, these lunatics are mad because Brady, who once seemingly gave support to Donald Trump but swiftly tried to recover from that monumental mistake, “stole” the Superbowl from a black man.

Soooooooooo stupid! Several of these idiotic tweets by leftists include:


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