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Exclusive Video: GA Poll Worker Runs the Same Stack of Ballots Three Times in Scanner?

by | Dec 4, 2020 | News, Politics, Video | 0 comments

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In a wave of what appears it can be nothing less than suspicious election fraud in Georgia, Reformation Charlotte has now seen video evidence of what appears to be an election worker working at one of the tabulation centers in Georgia scan a stack of ballots three times.

During a congressional hearing on Dec 3 in Georgia, a witness presented evidence of fraud that was recorded on the surveillance cameras at the State Farm Arena tabulation center. After the media and poll watchers were told to leave by the election staff, a few people stayed behind and counted ballots without observers.

The lady in purple below, who has been identified as Ruby Freeman, takes a stack of ballots that were pulled from a suitcase that was hidden underneath a table and appears to run them through the tabulator at least three times. The witness presenting these videos during the hearing did not mention this, however, Reformation Charlotte zoomed in on the video and noticed this. The original video can be seen here and begins around the 9-minute mark. The zoomed in clip can be seen below.

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